Friday Before Christmas Eve: Friday, December 22, 2023FedEx Express – Modified Service (Early station, on-call pickups & dropbox closed depending on your area) FedEx Freight – Modified Linehaul Schedule All the other services will operate as normal....
FedEx Holiday Schedule 2024 Thanksgiving FedEx Money-Back Guarantee Exception FedEx will not refund your transportation charges if the shipment was scheduled for delivery on Wednesday directly before Thanksgiving via FedEx Express U.S. or freight and delivered within 90 minutes of the original delivery...
1FedEx International Priority® services include FedEx International First®, FedEx International Priority® Express, FedEx International Priority®, FedEx International Priority® Freight, FedEx International Priority® DirectDistribution and FedEx International Priority DirectDistribution®Freight 2023 Dr...
While the holiday season seems to start earlier every year, gifts always need to be delivered by the 25th. The peak season holiday shipping rush is around the corner. Depending on the carrier you choose and which service you select, you may need to ship out orders much sooner. We’ve cre...
Holiday Shipping Deadlines As the holiday season nears, it's crucial to know when to send your packages with FedEx to ensure they arrive on time. The FedEx Office website provides a clear schedule for the latest possible shipping dates, depending on the service used. But we'll also keep tr...
Freight, overnight, and SmartPost services generally have modified schedules on holidays. Check the FedEx holiday schedule for more information. UPS Delivery Times and Schedules FAQ TheUnited Parcel Serviceis the largest package carrier in the world. Established in 1907, the brown trucks deliver more...