The Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)The Federal Republic of Germany covers some 96,000 square miles (249,000 square kilometres). It consists of nine states, one of which is West Berlin, and two cities (Bremen and Hamburg) with provincial status. The capital is at Bonn....
Average density in the Federal Republic of Germany is approximately 650 people per square mile, compared with about 56 per square mile in the United States. The forests of Central Europe: new perspectives incme tax treaties now in effect with the following countries: Australia, Austria, Barbados...
Detailed information about the coin 50 Pfennigs, Federal Republic of Germany, with pictures and collection and swap management: mintage, descriptions, metal, weight, size, value and other numismatic data
ThisequipmentisshippedfromtheJapan(United StatesofAmerica,England,France,Italy,FederalRepublicofGermany,Singapore). 这台设备是从日本(美国、英国、法国、意大利、联邦德国、新加坡)发运过来的。 5. Consulate?General?of?the ?Federal?Republic?of?Germany?in?Shanghai?
West Germany n (Placename) a former republic in N central Europe, on the North Sea: established in 1949 from the zones of Germany occupied by the British, Americans, and French after the defeat of Nazi Germany; a member of the European Community; reunited with East Germany in 1990. Offici...
The Treaty of Paris, signed on May 27, 1952, provided for the establishment of the European Defense Community, a military alliance of the six member states of the ECSC. The signing of these treaties, which opened the way for the remilitarization of the FRG, provoked a wave of popular ...
Heun, Werner. 1995. The Evolution of Federalism. InStudies in German Constitutionalism, ed. Christian Starck, 168–194. Germany: Nomos, Baden-Baden. Google Scholar ———. 2011.The Constitution of Germany. A Contextual Analysis. Oxford: Hart Publishing. ...
the United States halted reparation payments from West Germany to theSoviet Union. In December, the United States and Great Britain combined their occupation zones into what came to be known as Bizonia. France agreed to become part of this arrangement, and in May 1949, the three zones became...
Does International Jurisprudence Matter in Germany? : the Federal Constitutional Court's New Doctrine of "Factual Precedent" Divided power systems, such as the United States, the European Union, and the Federal Republic of Germany, confront a common question: whether the central ... D Richter 被...
state and head of government in the French Republic (France),theFederal Republic of Germany(Germany), the United States of America (US), the United Kingdom (UK), [...] 1.1 本資料摘要旨在提供有關法蘭西共和國(法國)、德意志聯邦共和國(德國)、美利堅合眾國(美國)、...