In the Federal Republic of Germany, constitutional law prescribes that social legislation falls within the ultimate domain of the federal government. Federal legislation, in turn, determines the structure of that part of the health care system subject to social policy. However, constitutional law ...
The Federal Republic of Germany is a Central European state bounded by the German Democratic Republic (GDR), Czechoslovakia, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, the North Sea, and the Baltic Sea. It includes the East and North Frisians, Helgoland, and Sa...
(France),theFederal Republic of Germany(Germany), the United States of America (US), the United Kingdom (UK), [...] 1.1 本資料摘要旨在提供有關法蘭西共和國(法國)、德意志聯邦共和國(德國)、美利堅合眾國(美國)、聯合王國(英國)、新加坡共和國 ...
N central Europe, on the North Sea: established in 1949 from the zones of Germany occupied by the British, Americans, and French after the defeat of Nazi Germany; a member of the European Community; reunited with East Germany in 1990. Official name:Federal Republic of GermanySee alsoGermany...
Related to Federal Republic of Germany: German Democratic RepublicThe following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Soviet-German (Federal Republic of Germany) Agreements Diplomatic relations between the USSR and the Federal Republic of Ge...
将“federal republic of germany"翻译成中文 德意志联邦共和国, 德意志联邦共和国, 德意志聯邦共和國是“federal republic of germany"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:The Federal Republic of Germany was established in 1949. ↔ 德意志联邦共和国建立于1949年。
ThisequipmentisshippedfromtheJapan(United StatesofAmerica,England,France,Italy,FederalRepublicofGermany,Singapore). 这台设备是从日本(美国、英国、法国、意大利、联邦德国、新加坡)发运过来的。 5. Consulate?General?of?the ?Federal?Republic?of?Germany?in?Shanghai?
This report describes the status of the cooperative work being performed in the Fuel, Fission Product, and Graphite Subprogram under the HTR-Implementing Agreement of the United States/Federal Republic of Germany Umbrella Agreement for Cooperation in GCR Development. The status is described relative to...
If Soviet Russia succeeds in forcing the Federal Republic of Germany, with a minimum of damage, into the Soviet sphere of influence, Russian war potential would be equal to that of the United States. At the same time Russia would prevent the unification of Western Europe for the defence of ...