Money Supply Aggregates." Federal Reserve Economic Data., F. R. E. 2014. Federal reserve economic data. http: // Reserve Economic Data (FRED) (2015), Economic data, FRB of St. Louis, enero....
FRED经济数据库 rrh123评测: FRED所属于由圣路易斯联邦储备银行,是专业的经济数据网站,自1991年以来的的数据都有进行统计,有107个数据来源,国内外财经学者进行宏观经济分析都会参考采用FRED的经济图表数据,基本面爱好者必备的财经网站。 Download, graph, and track 815,000 economic time series from 107 sources....
Any economic instability caused by inflation or deflation goes against the Federal Reserve's dual mandate. When the economy enters one of these periods, the Federal Reserve uses the federal funds rate to control it. The second portion of the dual mandate relates to inflation (and its opposite, ...
In addition to central banking activities, one of the most useful services by the St. Louis Fed is FRED, or the Federal Reserve Economic Database. This is a massive clearinghouse of business and government statistics, from balance of trade figures to commodity prices. The bank also offers seve...
Louis Federal Reserve FRED database and find data on the M1 money supply (M1SL) and the 10-year treasury bond rate (GS10). Add the two series into a single graph by using the “Add Data Series” feature. Transform the M1 money supply variable into the M1 growth rate by adjusting the...
fredapiis a Python API for theFREDdata provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.fredapiprovides a wrapper in python to theFRED web service, and also provides several convenient methods for parsing and analyzing point-in-time data (i.e. historic data revisions) fromALFRED ...
Get a release of economic data. Get a source of economic data Get a source of economic data. Get all releases of economic data Get all releases of economic data. Get all sources of economic data Get all sources of economic data. Get all tags Get FRED tags. Optionally, filter resul...
Louis Federal Reserve Economic Data Fred API. Installation npm install fred-api Get a FRED API key Sign up for a Fred API key: Usage Instantiate a client var Fred = require('fred-api'); apiKey = process.env.FRED_KEY; fred = new Fred(apiKey...
Louis Federal Reserve FRED database and find data on the personal consumption expenditure price index (PCECTPI). Convert the units setting to “Percent Change from Year Ago,” and download the data. Beginning in January 2012, the Fed formally announced a 2% inflation goal over the “longer-...
Louis Federal Reserve FRED database and find data on the percent of value of loans secured by collateral for all commercial and industrial loans (ESANQ) and the net percentage of domestic banks tightening standards for commercial and industrial loans to large and middle-market firms (DRTSCILM)....