リリース日はデータ ソースによって公開され、FRED または ALFRED の Web サイトでデータが利用可能になる時期を必ずしも表すものではないことに注意してください。 パラメーター テーブルを展開する 名前キー必須型説明 Release ID release_id integer リリースの識別子。 Real-time Start ...
Louis: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/Real Oil and Gold." Federal Reserve Economic Data. https://goo.gl/Au8HCI.FRED. (2015). Federal reserve economic data. http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/.Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (2015), "Federal Reserve Economic Data" (http:/...
FRED经济数据库 rrh123评测: FRED所属于由圣路易斯联邦储备银行,是专业的经济数据网站,自1991年以来的的数据都有进行统计,有107个数据来源,国内外财经学者进行宏观经济分析都会参考采用FRED的经济图表数据,基本面爱好者必备的财经网站。 Download, graph, and track 815,000 economic time series from 107 sources....
fredapiis a Python API for theFREDdata provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.fredapiprovides a wrapper in python to theFRED web service, and also provides several convenient methods for parsing and analyzing point-in-time data (i.e. historic data revisions) fromALFRED ...
Fed is FRED, or the Federal Reserve Economic Database. This is a massive clearinghouse of business and government statistics, from balance of trade figures to commodity prices. The bank also offers several other research services, such as GeoFRED for mapped data and FRASER for economic history....
Federal Reserve,FRED Economic Data How Do Federal Funds Rates Work? All banks need to have enough funds in their reserves to ensure they can facilitate withdrawals and other financial obligations. They can have it as cash on hand or account balances in a Federal Reserve bank. ...
5. 经济变量的衡量 | Measurement of economic variables The Federal Reserve records and publishes large amounts of data. A few websites where data is published are at the board of governors' Economic Data and Research page,[155] the board of governors' statistical releases and historical data pa...
Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 39 Commits generators/fred lib tasks test MIT-LICENSE README.md Rakefile VERSION fred.gemspec init.rb install.rb ...
.rename RGDPNAVEA666NRUG venezuela One down, two more to go! Then, you can analyze the series by using Stata's time-series commands. Tell me more Learn more about theimport fredcommand at[D] import fred. Learn more about Stata'sdata managementfeatures....
Louis Federal Reserve Economic Data Fred API. Installation npm install fred-api Get a FRED API key Sign up for a Fred API key: http://api.stlouisfed.org/api_key.html Usage Instantiate a client var Fred = require('fred-api'); apiKey = process.env.FRED_KEY; fred = new Fred(apiKey...