FEIN: Federal Employer Identification Number EIN: Employer Identification Number TIN: Tax Payer Identification Number REGISTER NOW Instant Access Sample uses of our Database include Locate / Verify TAX ID EIN information for W-9 Forms Verify entity Tax Payer Status as For-Profit or Not-for...
Search federal court records online from U.S. appellate, circuit, district, bankruptcy courts, and the PACER Case Locator for free. Lookup federal court cases by name, case number, party, attorney, judge, case type, docket entry & more.
You can also manage events attended by multiple applicants, such as tests or presentations. You define types of applicant event as values for the Lookup Type APL_EVENT_TYPE. You create the events and book applicants onto them using theEvent Bookings window. See:Event and Attendance Administration...
In the Element window, define an employer liability element. The only required input value is the pay value. In the Balance window, create a liability balance fed by the pay value of the element you created in the previous step. In the Formula window, edit the payroll formula that was gen...
Personnel Office ID (GHR_US_PERSONNEL_OFFICE_ID) Position Number (GHR_US_POS_DESC_NUM) Sequence Number (GHR_US_SEQUENCE_NUM) Valid Grade (GHR_GRADES) The attributes of the Value Set control the type of values that you can enter, and how many characters each segment can hold. The attribu...