Operation ID: ReleaseGetA Get a release of economic data. Parameters 展開資料表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Release ID release_id integer The release identifier. Real-time Start realtime_start string The start of the real-time period. YYYY-MM-DD formatted string. Real-time End realtime...
If the employee had federal employee health benefits under the previous end-dated assignment, and the application had processed the Termination Life Event de-enrolling the ex-employee from FEHB, upon rehire, the initiates an Initial Opportunity to Enroll life event that permits the employee to choos...
(240); l_per_comment_id number; l_assignment_sequence number; l_assignment_number varchar2(30); l_name_combination_warning boolean; l_assign_payroll_warning boolean; l_orig_hire_warning boolean; begin -- -- Set variable with the employee number value, -- which is going to be passed ...
UKG Pro WFM Employee UKG Pro WFM People UKG Pro WFM Timekeeping Unix Timestamp (Independent Publisher) Unofficial Netflix Search (Independent Publisher) Unsplash (Independent Publisher) Updates App (Microsoft 365) Updown (Independent Publisher) URL.dev (Independent Publisher) UrLBae (Independent Publish...
Some HR actions, such as employee hiring, transfer, or termination, require the completion of standard tasks, for example, printing contracts, reassigning resources, and creating users. The Checklists functionality in Oracle HRMS enables you to link the HR action to a life event and generate chec...
The balance is a running total of the hours or days an employee has taken for the absence type, as recorded in the Duration field. Increasing Balances of Time Taken As you would expect, an increasing balance for an absence type starts with no time entered, and increases as you enter ...
Note:If the Employee Name field is blank in the User’s window, the display name is taken from the Description field. If the employee name is not blank, then the employee name is used. If both the employee name and the description are blank, the user name is the display name. ...
People Group information is associated with employee and contingent worker assignments and is used to identify special groups of employees in your enterprise, such as members of a union. Note:Youmustdefine at least one segment for the People Group Key Flexfield. ...
sql> set serveroutput on size 1000000; sql> execute hr_pump_meta_mapper.help( 'hr_employee_api', 'create_employee' ); The output is as follows: Generated package: hrdpp_create_employee Generated view: hrdpv_create_employee Parameter Name Type In/Out Default? Lookup Type --- ---...
Pay calculations performed for an employee on Retained Grade access the Retained Grade pay table ID, not the position's pay table ID. Similarly, the application calculates pay using the retained pay plan and grade, not the position's pay plan and grade....