Filing Status: Your tax filing status - Married filing jointly or separately, Single, Head of Household. This decides which standard deduction and tax brackets apply (see detailshere.) Ordinary Income: Job & self-employment income, interest, non-qualified dividends, short-term capital gains, taxab...
The fair value of employee services received, measured by reference to the grant date fair value, is recognised over the vesting [...] 所收取僱員 服務之公平價值乃參考於授出 日期之公平價值進行計量,於歸屬期間確認為增加於 附屬企業之投資,並於權益計入相應之數額。 Th...
The acquaintance told authorities that Hurd "routinely leaves large amounts" of money in his vehicles, while Hurd said the money was indeed his and that he had given the car to his acquaintance, a car shop employee, for maintenance and detail work. Hurd showed authorities a bank statement he...
Customer, employee, and community health precautions - In response to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, the Company focused first on the well-being of its people, customers and communities. Preventative health measures were put in place including elimination of business-related travel, ...