必应词典为您提供fed-batchreactor的释义,网络释义: 流加反应器;补料分批培养;
The optimal feeding trajectory is determined in case a pilot plant fed-batch reactor using different runaway criteria as a non-linear constraint based on particle swarm optimization and sequential quadratic programming. Designers need to know how they can choose the right criterion, and the results ...
Kim,B.W,H.N Chang,I.K.Kim,and K.S.Lee.Growth kinetics of the photosynthetic bacterium Chlorobium thiosulf-atophilum in a fed-batch reactor. Biotechnology and Bioengineering . 1992Kim B. W., Chang H. N., Kim I. K. and Lee K. S. (1992) Growth kinetics of the photosynthetic ...
(2003) Physiological changes of Candida tropicalis population degrading phenol in fed batch reactor. Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol. 46(4): 537-543.Komárková E, Páca J, Klapková E, Stiborová M, Soccol CR, Sobotka M. Physiological changes of Candida tropicalis population degrading phenol in ...
The fed-batch mode allows more flexibility in the control of the substrate concentration as well as product concentration in the culture medium. Based on the batch mathematical model, a fed-batch model was developed and simulations were done. Simulation study in fed-batch reactor resulted that ...
New insights on the mechanism of vapour phase hydrolysis of sodium borohydride in a fed-batch reactorNew insights on the mechanism of vapour phase hydrolysis of sodium borohydride in a fed-batch reactorSodium borohydrideNon-catalytic vapor hydrolysisHydrogen...
Technical Communique: Optimal parametric sensitivity control of a fed-batch reactor Optimal parametric sensitivity control of a fed-batch reactor. Automatica 40(8), 1459-1464.Stigter JD, Keesman KJ. Optimal parametric sensitivity control ... JD Stigter,KJ Keesman - Pergamon Press, Inc. 被引量:...
This paper deals with the nonlinear control of a jacketed fed-batch three-phase slurry catalytic reactor to track a reference temperature trajectory. To this end, the so-called thermal availability function is defined from the availability function as it has been described in the literature. This...
摘要 采用序半连续式反应器 SeguentialFed-batchReactor,简称SFBR下同 就不同微生物初始浓度对人工配置废水营养物去 除效率的影响进行了研究 探讨了微生物初始浓度对COD 氮化合物 NH4-N和NO3-N 除去和微生物生长的影响 结果表明当微生物 初始浓度为14 4 /L时COD有最高除去率 69 5! 当微生物初始浓度!46 8 ...
N.: Model-based control of feed rate and illuminance in a photo- synthetic fed-batch reactor for HIS removal. Bioprocess Eng., 8, 263-269 (1993).Kim BW, Kim EH, Lee SC & Chang HN (1993) Model-based control of feed rate and illuminance in a photosynthetic fed-batch reactor for H ...