desertsAustraliaThe Desert Goby Chlamydogobius eremius (Zietz, 1896) is a gobiid teleost fish endemic to the Central Australian Basin, occurring mostly in artesian springs. Generic features for Chlamydogobius Whitley are supplied with emphasis on the modified head lateral-line system and on ...
Learn about Australian geography and explore some of its unique geographic features. Study facts about Australia and see how Australia is a...
ExperiencetheiconicfeaturesofAustralia L教e学ad目-in 视频:走进澳大利亚 学习目标 ToknowaboutAustraliancustomsandlearntocapturekeyinformationinshorthand 2Torecogniseandexpandlexicalusage,especiallywithhomonyms 目标一:ToknowaboutAustraliancustomsandlearntocapturekeyinformationinshorthand Activity1:Findoutthenewwordsand...
Australian region See all related content → Ask the Chatbot a Question biogeographic region, area of animal and plant distribution having similar or shared characteristics throughout. It is a matter of general experience that the plants and animals of the land and inland waters differ to a greate...
Inter-annual variation in weather conditions has been shown to affect the reproductive phenological patterns of many organisms. Because of their relatively small body size and dependence on ectothermic prey, temperate-zone insectivorous bats are particul