Australia boasts of the world’s longest fence. Known as the Dingo Fence, it is approximately 5,400 kilometers and runs from Jimbor in Queensland to the Great Australian Blight in South Australia. This fence is twice as long as the Great Wall of China. It was initially built to keep wil...
Our Desert Facts will provide plenty of information about our planet's deserts. We will tell you here what you really should know about the deserts. First let's start with some basics! 10 Desert Facts for Kids Deserts arefound on all seven continents. All deserts (or arid areas) and semi...
Learn about Australian geography and explore some of its unique geographic features. Study facts about Australia and see how Australia is a...
Australia is known for having quite high temperatures. This year, the nation�s temperatures reached an all-time high. They were so high, in fact, that the Australian Bureau of Meteorology was forced to add two new colors to the nation�s heat map. The colors were pink and deep purple...
Australian Land Size of Australia Deserts of Australia Highest and Biggest Maps of Australian States and Territories Driving Distance Between Cities and Speed Conversions Australian Time Daylight Savings Dates Time Zones and GMT GMT Help for Americans ...
Many unique animals like platypus—the mammal that lays eggs, kangaroo — the animal that carries its young in a pouch, and emu—a unique flightless bird, call Australia home. The Australian landscape is so vast and varied; there are deserts, snow clad fields, flat lands, plateaus, rainfores...
Australian Tarantulas (Selencosmiinae spp.) Australia is also home to several species of tarantulas, including the common brown tarantula. These large spiders are found in a variety of habitats, such as deserts and forests. Insects The Giant Burrowing Cockroach (Macropanesthia rhinoceros) is a la...
South Australia is the driest of the Australian states. Only about one-fifth of the area receives annual precipitation of more than 10 inches (250 mm), and less than half of that has more than 16 inches (400 mm). The higher rainfall occurs along the southern coasts and the north-south-...
The largest coral reef in the world is located off the Australian coast and is called the Great Barrier Reef. The coral reefs only grown in tropic waters, but due to climate change over 50% of the world's reefs have been lost in the last 30 years. Read more about Australia here....