1. Feature to Polygon 这种方法,顾名思义,就是要素转多边形。在ArcToolBox中,依次找到Data Management Tools—>Features—>Feature to Polygon,在弹出的对话框中设置好线要素文件以及生成的多边形存储的位置和文件名,点击确定即可。多边形生成结束后会自动添加到ArcGIS的TOC窗口中。 图一Feature to Polygon位置 2. P...
This tool will use a tiling process to handle very large datasets for better performance and scalability. For more details, seeGeoprocessing with large datasets. Syntax arcpy.management.FeatureToPolygon(in_features, out_feature_class, {cluster_tolerance}, {attributes}, {label_features}) ...
The image below shows a DEM layer and the contour polylines of Lake Tahoe, at the California-Nevada border. Polygons are created from the contour polylines using the Feature To Polygon tool. Procedure Follow the steps below to create polygons from contour polylines in ArcMap using theFea...
arcgis 提取边界线可以使用ArcToolBox 里的feature to polyline这个命令,feature to polygon 是线转面的,需要输入的是用来生成面的polyline或者polygon DeskTop里的Help这样说的 Line or polygon datasets whose geometry will be used to create area features. Each distict "closed" area will become a...
For better performance and scalability, this tool uses a tiling process to handle very large datasets. For details, seeTiled processing of large datasets. Parameters DialogPython LabelExplanationData Type Input Features The input features, which can be line, polygon, or both. ...
Creates a feature class containing polygons, each of which represents the envelope of an input feature. Illustration Usage The attributes of the input features will be maintained in the output feature class. A new field, ORIG_FID, will be added to the output feature class and set to the inp...
在Arctoolbox中,有两个命令可将面要素类转换成线要素类:Feature To Line和Polygon To Line。虽然这两个命令都能将面状要素类转换成线状要素类,但他们之间有很多不同,正确的了解了他们之间的不同后我们可以有选择地使用这两个命令之一。 一、Feature To Line:由输入的面要素类或线要素类生成新的线要素类 ...
把arcgis路径里的data management tools.tbx备份一下,然后用这个替换一下试试 \Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes 今天网络不太好,传不上去,你找一个别人的文件试试吧
网络释义 1. 要素定点到点 ... Feature To Polygon 要素到多边形Feature Vertices To Points要素定点到点Multipart To Singlepart 多部分到单部分 ... blog.tianya.cn|基于8个网页 2. 要素顶点到点 ArcToolbox使用之二——Data... ... 9.Feature to polygon( 要素到面): 10.Feature Vertices to Points(...
Sometimes, when using the Auto-Complete Polygon tool in ArcMap to create a new polygon feature next to existing polygons, the feature is not created. The image below shows the line constructed from one end to another of a void polygon to create a new polygon using the Auto-Complete to...