Im Bereich Features erstellen enthalten Feature-Vorlagen für Polygon-Layer Konstruktionswerkzeuge zum Erstellen von Singlepart- und Multipart-Polygon-Features. Auf der Konstruktionswerkzeugleiste werden zusätzliche Werkzeuge angezeigt, die zusammenhängende Kreisbögen und Kurven erstellen können. St...
Bearbeiten von Polygonen In der vorherigen Übung haben Sie mit dem Befehl "Puffer" ein Feature erstellt, das die Ausdehnung des ursprünglichen Features plus die Pufferabstand umfasst. Da dieses Feature nur der Puffer sein sollte, müssen Sie das Shape des ursprünglichen inneren Features...
Außerdem wird am unteren Rand des Fensters "Features erstellen" ein Werkzeug zum Konstruieren von Features aktiviert und das Zuweisen der Standardattribute zum neuen Feature wird vorbereitet. Da die Vorlage des Layers so eingerichtet wird, dass das Werkzeug "Polygon" das Standa...
Polygon feature construction tools create enclosed planar features. You can create irregular polygons, regular polygons comprising equal sides, or freehand polygons.
In some instances, it is necessary to find the number of vertices for each feature in a line or polygon feature class to perform further spatial analysis. This article provides the workflow for the counting of vertices of line or polygon features in ArcGIS Pro. Procedure Start the ArcGIS Pro...
I need to associate a large number of documents with a polygon feature layer published in Portal. The goal is for users to click on a polygon and see a pop-up containing a field with a URL. Clicking this URL should open a document library in...
In ArcMap, create an empty polygon feature class using the Create Feature Class tool. Refer toArcMap: Create Feature Classfor more information. Merge the polyline features in the polyline feature class. Click theEditordrop-down, and clickStart Editing. Select the polyline feature class, and clic...
In the proposed method, polygon-featured holes are introduced as basic design primitives whose movements, deformations and intersections allow to control the structural topology. In addition, overhang constraints are introduced directly into the geometry description, so that the inclined angles along the ...
With theMobile Data Collectionapp, you can make your data collectionmore accessible and fasteras you collect newpolygon featuresor update existing ones your map. In just a few seconds you can update the information about the soil conditions on your farm or you can map areas in the forest in...
I have a shapefile of 16370 polygon features (see below). I want to split all features in features with a maximum size of 25x25 meters (still including all attributes). I am aware ArcGIS Pro is currently having such an option (