今年3月份的时候微软推出了DirectX 12 Ultimate这个DX12的升级版API,它主要包含有DirectX Raytracing 1.1、可变速率着色、Mesh着色器和采样器反馈这四个大的特性。今天微软宣布为DirectX 12引入Feature Level 12_2,在加入了以上四项特性的同时,还加入了一些别的小特性,对D3D12进行了一次较大的更新。在DirectX中,...
Successive feature levels are supersets of functionality. For example, feature level 12_1 includes all the capabilities of feature level 12_0 plus some more things. And, of course, feature level 12_2 includes all the capabilities of the ones before it, plus some new things. Now it’s wort...
用Nuget装Agility SDK,这样你就有 D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_12_2这个枚举定义 在你的exe导出这两个符号: extern "C" { __declspec(dllexport) extern const UINT D3D12SDKVersion = n;}extern "C" { __declspec(dllexport) extern const char* D3D12SDKPath = u8".\\D3D12\\"; } SDKVersion可通过查询Direct...
Feature \ Feature Level12_1012_0011_1111_010_110_09_379_29_1 Shader model5. (4_0_level_9_3) [vs_2_a/ps_2_x]52.0 (4_0_level_9_1)2.0 (4_0_level_9_1) WDDM driver model1.x1.x1.x1.x1.x1.x1.x1.x1.x ...
It's confusing, but I guess what it could mean that if a GPU/driver supports only all mandatory features of 12_1 eg, it could still have some of the newer 12_2 features but maybe missing some other features of that tier that would be mandatory for ...
兴致勃勃准备开始,却突然遭遇无法启动游戏的弹窗,显示“未找到支持Direct3D 12 Feature Level的显卡,...
Windows has required feature level: 0Display: 1Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=1080, right=1920--- Sniffer output[0 ms]Launch GPUSnifferThread [2 ms]Start RunAllAPIs [2 ms]"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\sniffer.exe" -baseTimeMS=285940 -comment...
dx11(directX 11) feature level 10.0 is required to run the enginedx11 10级特效要求运行引擎(引擎指引擎程序)。出现原因:游戏的运行和机器的CPU,内存,独立显示核心等硬件配置有直接的关系,另外也和系统,驱动,其他软件等也有联系。当前,是否可以玩一个游戏,首先需要查看游戏运行的配置要求和...
應用程式要求驅動程式和硬體評估的D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL陣列指標。 MaxSupportedFeatureLevel 驅動程式和硬體支援的最大功能層級。 備註 請參閱D3D12_FEATURE。 規格需求 需求值 標頭d3d12.h 另請參閱 核心結構 D3D12_FEATURE 意見反映 此頁面有幫助嗎? 是否 ...
定義常數,指定要查詢的 Direct3D 12 功能或功能集。 當您想要查詢配接器支援功能的層級時,請將其中一個值傳遞至ID3D12Device::CheckFeatureSupport。 Syntax C++複製 typedefenumD3D12_FEATURE { D3D12_FEATURE_D3D12_OPTIONS =0, D3D12_FEATURE_ARCHITECTURE =1, D3D12_FEATURE_FEATURE_LEVELS =2, D3D12_FEATU...