Feature Level</是衡量显卡DX12支持程度的关键指标,数字越大代表支持的特效越全面。其中,NVIDIA GeForce GTX 900系列(如Titan X、980 Ti等)和AMD的部分Fiji核心(如Radeon HD 7790、R9 285等)在Windows 10下能够提供完整支持</,而AMD GCN架构、NVIDIA费米架构以上的显卡则兼容DX12,但特效支持程度...
1、按win 和R键,填入dxdiag, 回车,调出directX诊断工具 2、显示标签,看到功能级别,是否有12_1,若...
理论上GCN 1.2..现在GCN 1.1以及GCN 1.2能做到Feature Level 12_0,但Nvidia 9系中高端能做到12_0,而且OpenGL也可以支持到4.5,除了OpenCL只支持1.2,虽然通用计算
if(adapter!=nullptr){D3D12CreateDevice(adapter,D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_12_1,IID_PPV_ARGS(device.GetAddressOf()));} ID3D12CommandQueue 在Direct3D12中,命令队列由接口ID3D12CommandQueue来表示。它是通过填充D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_DESC结构来描述队列,然后调用ID3D12Device::CreateCommandQueue来创建的。 D3D12_CO...
When I log into Photoshop, I get the messaage that my graphics card is incompatible because DirectX feature level 11 is available, but it needs feature level 12.As near as I can tell, HD 620 can handle features level 12_1 and features level 12_0. (From ...
Feature \ Feature Level12_1012_0011_1111_010_110_09_379_29_1 Shader model5. (4_0_level_9_3) [vs_2_a/ps_2_x]52.0 (4_0_level_9_1)2.0 (4_0_level_9_1) WDDM driver model1.x1.x1.x1.x1.x1.x1.x1.x1.x ...
Successive feature levels are supersets of functionality. For example, feature level 12_1 includes all the capabilities of feature level 12_0 plus some more things. And, of course, feature level 12_2 includes all the capabilities of the ones before it, plus some new things. Now it’s wort...
This section specifies the formats ([**DXGI_FORMAT_***](/windows/win32/api/dxgiformat/ne-dxgiformat-dxgi_format) values) that are supported in Direct3D Feature Level 12.1 hardware.
just like dxdiag, DxCapsViewer (thx for the tip) report D3D Feature Level 12_1 . and to be more precise, according to DxCapsViewer maximum supported Shader Model is 6.5 . (I've attached the full dxview.log from DxCapsViewer here, since I am no lon...
Photoshop doesn't typically have a "level 12" setting in its GPU requirements or options. It's possible that you might be confusing this with something else. If your Nvidia Quadro K1200 is not being recognized as compatible by Photoshop, here are a few things you can...