Fe3O4@Cys—blue, Fe3O4@Trp—red, Fe3O4@Pro—purple) (b); 2D projection of the individual FTIR spectra for Fe3O4@Cys (top FTIR spectra at 120 °C; right the trace of CO2for 2355 cm−1) (c), schematic representation of amino acid-functionalized magnetite nanoparticles (d). ...
and Rosensweig has not specified exactly whether the Langevin parameter should be determined using the peak amplitude of the alternating field or another value should be considered. But in research related to this matter, peak amplitude has been used and accurate answers have been obtained...
Fe3O4@Cys—blue, Fe3O4@Trp—red, Fe3O4@Pro—purple) (b); 2D projection of the individual FTIR spectra for Fe3O4@Cys (top FTIR spectra at 120 °C; right the trace of CO2for 2355 cm−1) (c), schematic representation of amino acid-functionalized magnetite nanoparticles (d). ...
During dehydration (in phase B) process growth of Si-OH bonds (4550 cm 1 ) formed by virtue of the breakage of T-O-T linkages is observed. A peak around 8650 cm 1 indicates the presence of iron ion in stilbites as Fe 2+ . Further, abrupt disappearance of this mode indicates Fe 2...
The detailed analysis of the Mössbauer spectra for Fe-FER, Fe-BEA and Fe- MFI is complex, but would support the previous EPR and FTIR data evidencing high proportion of iron in the cationic position in all three zeolites prepared by the proposed method. The results are here exemplified for...
In this research, the Fe3O4@Gelatin NPs were synthesized by a low-cost and single-step process for EOR purposes. After that, TEM, XRD, and FTIR were used to characterize the synthesized NPs in terms of size, shape, and functional groups. Finally, contact angle, IFT, and micromodel flood...
O 4 纳米粒子之间的结合作用。 Fe 3 O 4 纳米粒子采用共沉淀法[1],在强烈的搅拌下向Fe 2+ 和Fe 3+ 共存的溶液 中滴加NaOH 来制备。聚丙烯酸(PAA)由丙烯酸单体在环己烷溶液中聚合(单 体与溶剂比为1/10),AIBN 为引发剂(为单体量的1%, wt%),在Ar 保护下70°C ...
Fe3O4 was cleaned with the mixture of DI water and ethanol absolute for 5 cycles. 2.2 The ionization of PAA influenced by pH value The stability of the PAA coating on magnetite nanocrystal surfaces was demonstrated by the FTIR spectrum showed in figure 2. The pure DEG and PAA are named ...
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Removal of silver nanoparticles by mussel-inspired Fe3O4@ polydopamine core-shell received: 10 November 2016 microspheres and its use as efficientaccepted:13January2017 catalyst for methylene bluePublished:16February2017 reduction Maoling Wu,Yinying Li, Rui...
In supplementary Figure S8, the C = O of the carboxyl groups on GO is converted into the epoxy C–O which is excited by light illumination. Simultaneously, the FTIR peak for the alkoxy in C–O–C was slightly decreased because the thermal stability of the alkoxy C–O–C ...