The acicular α-Al2O3 (width<4 μm, length<20 μm) obtained by the thermal decomposition of synthetic diaspore at 530, 600 and 1300°C was characterized by means of XRD, SEM, FTIR, 27Al MAS-NMR, XPS, nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherm and BET surface area. The high adsorptive act...
Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) has been employed to observe and understand structural variations in SiO2 matrix during the formation of Ge and Si nanocrystals by ion implantation as a function of processing parameters. The Si–O asymmetric stretching peak of absorption spectra were ...
Niobium doped biosolubility glasses in the Na–Ca–(Mg)–P–Si–O system were prepared by using an untypical two-step synthesis route. The parent glass was melted in air atmosphere at 1350 °C followed by re-melting the glass in Nb crucible with the addition of metallic Mg/Ca powder in...
With an increase in the Si/Fe ratio, a typical XRD peak at 2.5 broadens and shifts toward 3 ; the position of Si-O stretching band in FTIR spectrum shifts from 930 to 1003 cm–1; the pHpzc value strongly decreases from 8.41 to 1.99. The surface area, equal to 280 m2/g for pure ...
O 原子异相的非对称伸缩振动模式 AS2 ) 由于该峰为表面氧化层和界面层的合成吸 收峰9对界面层中硅\氧元素以何种方式结合从红外 3 7 3 <半导体光电> 2004 年第 25 卷第 5 期 陈松岩 等! Si " Si 直接键合界面的 FTIR 和 XPS 研究 谱中得出的信息仍不清晰 表 2 Si 吸收峰拟合结果 PeakArea Cente...
Using the so-called dual-comb spectroscopic technique3, broadband absorption spectra can be measured with superior resolution and acquisition time compared with other techniques such as standard Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTIR). In this technique, one of the combs is used as an array of local ...
The silicon peak showed chemical changes with increasing depth from the single SiO2 state (at the surface) to the triple state Si(O2)-Si(O)-Si. Although both the Si2s and Si2p lines show the oxidation state of the silicon, in case of the 2p line the difference is larger; thus, it ...
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra (PerkinElmer Spectrum Two ATR spectrometer) were acquired to examine changes to the functional groups. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed to analyze the thermal stability at a heating rate of 10 °C per minute from 30 °C to 800 °C in a ...
(b) Representative cross-sectional HAADF-STEM image combined with EDXS mapping for the same annealed sample (green: Si, red: O, blue: Se). (c) RBS/channeling spectra along the Si [100] crystallographic axis from the Se-implanted Si sample with 2.3% of peak Se concentration. The Si ...