Starter: FBPDataset 805fdd3d-c auto_awesome_motion View Active Events Kaggle Kerneler·6y ago· 136 views arrow_drop_up0 Copy & Edit16 more_vert
第一次在项目上使用react,经过一个星期的摸索,终于来写写啦(其实是因为项目初期,业务们需求都还没定下来,我只能做一些简单的东西,但是事实上由于对react的不熟悉以及没使用过猪齿鱼框架,磕磕碰碰在所难免) 猪齿鱼的dataset实在是太强大了,几乎都封装了项目上有的业务需求,只能说公司大佬们太牛逼,但是文档写的不是...
英文:We used a large dataset to train this model. 中文:这个数据集包含了过去十年的销售数据。 英文:This dataset contains sales data from the past ten years. 中文:在研究过程中,我们需要不断地更新和优化数据集。 英文:During the research process, we need to constantly update and optimize the d...
The DataSet.SharedDataSet element specifies the information that is necessary to retrieve data for the report dataset.
sql server便利DataSet sql serverlike 目录 🚩前言 🔴SQL Server 高级言语学习 🚴LIKE – 模糊查询 🚄IN – 查找多个值 🚋BETWEEN – 查询区间数据 🚓AS – 别名 🚗JOIN – 多表关联 🚚UNION – 合并结果集 🏎️NOT NULL – 非空
MsDataset.clone_meta(dataset_work_dir='./xxx', dataset_id='codefuse-ai/devopseval-exam')``` MsDataset.clone_meta(dataset_work_dir='./xxx', dataset_id='codefuse-ai/devopseval-exam') ``` ### 👀 说明 为了方便使用,我们已经整理出了 55 个细分类别以及它们的中英文名称。具体细节请查看...
Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified 32,563 changes: 32,563 additions & 0 deletions32,563census.csv Load diff Large diffs are not rendered by default. 1,295 changes: 1,295 additions & 0 deletions1,295college.csv Load diff Large diffs are not rendered by default. ...
Building such a large-scale dataset, however, is highly challenging; existing datasets either contain only synthetic data, or lack precise alignment between 2D images and 3D shapes, or only have a small number of images. Second, we calibrate the evaluation criteria for 3D shape reconstruction ...
The recent proliferation of the Microsoft Kinect [4], a cheap but quality depth sensor, has brought the need for a challenging category-level 3D object detection dataset to the forefront. Such a dataset can be used for object recognition in a spirit usually reserved for the large collections ...