[9]FDA.Drugrecalls[EB/OL].[2022-10-18].https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug⁃safety⁃ and⁃availability/drug⁃recalls.[10] 国家药典委员会. 中华人民共和国药典[S].2020 年版. 四部. 北京:中国医药科技出版社, 2020:2-5.[11]USP.InjectionsandImplantedDrugProducts(Parenterals)⁃ProductQuality...
2. 可输入详细信息后检索: FDA产品分类查询 1.输入产品关键词 2.查询可得产品代码、分类名称、法规、分类等级,点击每一条查看具体信息,或可批量导出。发布于 2023-09-14 10:15・IP 属地上海 FDA 医疗器械 fda注册 赞同3添加评论 分享喜欢收藏申请转载 ...
[9] FDA. Drug recalls[EB/ OL]. [2022 - 10 - 18]. https:/ / www.fda. gov/ drugs/ drug⁃safety⁃ and⁃availability/ drug⁃recalls. [10] 国家药典委员会. 中华人民共和国药典[S]. 2020 年版. 四部. 北京:中国医药科技出版社, 2020:2 -5. [11] USP. Injections and Implanted Dru...
To explore the real picture of such recalls, this analysis focuses on the USFDA drug recalls with a glance at medical devices, food products, biological products, cosmetics, tobacco products, and veterinary products from 2019 to 2023. The research aims to quantify and categorize these drug ...
[9] FDA. Drug recalls[EB/ OL]. [2022 - 10 - 18]. https:/ / www.fda. gov/ drugs/ drug⁃safety⁃ and⁃availability/ drug⁃recalls. [10] 国家药典委员会. 中华人民共和国药典[S]. 2020 年版. 四部. 北京:中国医药科技出版社, 2020:2 -5. ...
[2] Levine, A. N. (2012). FDA Enforcement: How It Works. In K. R. Piña, & W. L. Pines, A Practical Guide to FDA’s Food and Drug Law and Regulation (pp. 1-509). Washington, D.C.: FDLI. [3]FDA(2015).FDA101:ProductRecalls. http://www.fda....
b) The record, history, and nature of recalls linked to the establishment. 与该公司相关的召回记录、历史和性质。 c) The inherent risk of the drug or device manufactured, prepared, propagated, compounded, or processed at the establishment. ...
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FDA Hasn’t Inspected Factory with Recalls: ProPublica 12/12/2024 Trump Unclear on Abortion Pills in Interview 12/12/2024 Generics Seek Legislation to End Drug Sameness Delays 12/12/2024 U.S. Approves More New Drugs than EU, Japan: Analysis ...
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a government agency that is responsible for the promotion and protection of public health. The FDA was established when the Pure Food and Drugs Act was passed in 1906.1The agency has different divisions that oversee a majority of the organization's obl...