1. FDA批准数据库(FDA Approved Database):该数据库提供了FDA批准的药品、医疗器械、食品添加剂等产品的详细信息。您可以通过产品名称、活性成分、应用领域等进行搜索。访问链接:https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/daf/index.cfm 2. FDA医疗器械数据库(FDA Medical Device Database):该数据库提供了FDA...
- FDA批准的药品数据库(FDA Approved Drug Products Database):这个数据库提供了FDA批准的药品和相关信息的列表。 - FDA医疗器械数据库(FDA Medical Devices Database):这个数据库提供了FDA批准的医疗器械和相关信息的列表。 - FDA食品注册数据库(FDA Food Facility Registration Database):这个数据库提供了FDA注册的...
Purple Book (database of FDA-licensed (approved) biological products, including biosimilar and interchangeable products) 紫皮书(FDA许可(批准)的生物制品数据库) 2020.3.23 FDA将生物制品从橙皮书中移除,并为其单独成立了紫皮书板块,这一板块作为较新的版块,收录了细胞、血液、基因治疗、疫苗等各类生物制品的...
右侧上方PRODUCTS选项下包括八种类型产品,分别是Food(食品)、Drugs(药品)、Medical Devices(医疗器械)、Radiation-Emitting Products(放射性产品)、Vaccines, Blood, and Biologics(疫苗、血液和生物制品)、Animal and Veterinary(动物和兽医制品)、Cosmetics(化妆品)、Tobacco Products(烟草)...
Benjamens S, Dhunnoo P, Meskó B (2020) The state of artificial intelligence-based FDA-approved medical devices and algorithms: an online database. npj Digit Med 3:118.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41746-020-00324-0IF: 15.2 Q1 B1
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clears, approves, and regulates medical devices. The bottom line: Do NOT assume that because a medical device is FDA cleared or approved, any clinical trials were done before marketing or that the device has been used in even one human. Do NOT assume a ...
Feb 26, 2025, 09:07 ETSway Medical, Inc. Announces FDA 510(k) Clearance of its Comprehensive Concussion Management System Sway Medical, Inc., the company that created the Mobile Concussion Management category, is proud to announce that it has received FDA 510(k)... ...
We conducted a scoping review on the 692 FDA-approved AI/ML-enabled medical devices approved from 1995-2023 to examine transparency, safety reporting, and sociodemographic representation. Only 3.6% of approvals reported race/ethnicity, 99.1% provided no socioeconomic data. 81.6% did not report the...
7 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
Do All Medical Devices Require FDA Approval? Yes, all medical devices must be approved by the FDA before they can be sold or marketed to consumers. What Impact Does the FDA Have on Investors? The FDA is responsible for regulating medical, cosmetic, and food products. This means it can appr...