(5)CPE考试 3 如何报考 报考官网:cambridgeenglish.cn/fin 报名日期通常为考试日期前6周截止报名,详情请关注最新更新。最新信息请以报名官网更新为准。官方咨询热线:010 8540 1888 Email: Info-Greater-China@cambridgeenglish.org 2024年考试日期一览表下载:cambridgeenglish.org/Im 2023年考试日期一览表下载:cambridg...
FCE(1-30单元)单词(带汉语意思).pdf,精心整理 FCEunit1 单词 英文 中文 英文 中文 英文 中文 fashion n. 流行式 matter n. 事件, sweatshirt n. 运动衫 样,时尚 内容 footwear n. 鞋类 flat/high-heeled 平底 / 高 shoes n. 鞋 (鞋靴拖 跟鞋 鞋等) bracelet n. 手镯 p
5 Speaking Test 4 Paper 1 Reading Paper 2 Writing Paper 3 Use of English Paper 4 Listening Paper 5 Speaking Test 5 Paper 1 Reading 精品word文档值得下载 知识是浩瀚的海洋 发奋识遍天下字,立志读尽人间书 Paper 2 Writing Paper 3 Use of English Paper 4 Listening Paper 5 Speaking Test 6 Paper...
the owner 5. What was Billy doing when he spoke to Rachel at the racecourse? A. attempting to calm her down B. trying to correct Allen Smith ’s opinion C. warning her that the horse was not up to standard D. offering an explanation for the horse’s character 6. Why did Rachel ...
5Answer one of the following two questions based on one of the titles below. (a) Offi cially Dead Richard Prescott You have had a class discussion on the robbery in Offi cially Dead. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay answering this question: Why did the police suspect ...
FCE分类词汇总结.pdf,HE H ND F Quizlet ALT A ITNESS 健康 u On i e t u z c m / _ l jg St dy l n a q i l e t . o l n u 1. alcohol 烈酒,酒精 2. calories 卡路里 3. carbohydrate 碳水化合物 4. diet 食谱 5. exercise 锻炼 6. fat 脂肪 7. fibre 纤维素 8. fish 鱼肉
the owner 5. What was Billy doing when he spoke to Rachel at the racecourse? A. attempting to calm her down B. trying to correct Allen Smith ’s opinion C. warning her that the horse was not up to standard D. offering an explanation for the horse’s character 6. Why did Rachel ...
• 2.1 V to 3.6 V or 5 V supply voltage • Programmable via SPI • 6 kHz PLL frequency step • Frequency hopping capability with PLL toggle time below 30 µs • Current consumption: — 10.3 mA in RX mode — Less then 1 mA in RX mode with strobe ratio = 1/10 ...
转格式 728阅读文档大小:347.48K19页azds23323上传于2012-09-06格式:PDF FCE词汇 热度: FCE词汇1 热度: FCE必备词汇 热度: 1 Unit1Healthandfitness alcohol calories carbohydrate diet exercise fat fibre fish fruit gym junkfood salad salt sleep
FCE(First Certificate in English)是剑桥通⽤用英语五级系列英语证书(Main Suite English)的第三级,是为具备中⾼高级⽔水平的英语学习者设计的考试。其⽔水平相当于欧洲委员会指定的欧洲语⾔言教学⼤大纲的B2⽔水平,等同于雅思考试5.0分到6.5分的⽔水平,可以作为在英国及诸多英语为⺟母语...