FCE真题练习分析和总结.pdf,FCE 真题练习 (一) PAPER1 READING(1hour) Part1 The horse race When the telephone rang on Friday evening and Rachel’s Kevin Huzzard, her mouth suddenly dried up with excitement. Got a ride for you tomorrow in the race at‘ Cheste
剑桥考试新版FCE 语用 Use of English for First with Answer Key.pdf,如需剑桥雅思考试全真试题(含音频),可链接https://www.zip118.com/243606497_1005.shtm,及雅思词汇基础(含音频)https://www.zip118.com/243503050_1003.shtm,及雅思听力真题(含音频)https://ww
fce真题样题听力.pdf,FIRST IN ENGLISH Listening D251/03 SAMPLE TEST 1 Time Approxima y 40 minutes ( luding 5 minutes’ transfer time) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so. Write your name, centre number an
(title):Cambridge First Certificate in English for Updated Exams - Student's Book with answers 剑桥最新考试英语第一证书-学生答卷 作者(author):Cambridge Esol 出版社(publisher):Cambridge University Press 大小(size):29 MB (#091016# bytes) 格式(extension):pdf 注意:如果文件下载解压完成后为无法打开的...
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讲义讲稿fce基础版.pdf,Unit1 lifestyles FCE reading/writing/the use of English/listening/speaking Vocabulary abo lothes warm-up: describe someone’s clothes today, how he/she looks. Clothes: Waistcoat 马甲,背心 Jumper 针织套衫 Dungarees 工作服 Tracksuit
FCE真题练习(一) PAPER1 READING(1hour)Part1 The horse race When the telephone rang on Friday evening and Rachel’s Kevin Huzzard, her mouth suddenly dried up with excitement. ‘Got a ride for you tomorrow in the race at Chesterfield ,’Kevin said.‘Oh great, is it Catch Boy?
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. line 16 line 33 Many trees in the Brackham area were brought down in the terrible storms that March. The town itself lost two great lime trees from the former market square. The disappearance of such prominent features had altered the ...
剑桥fce试题精选系列之一.pdf,Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-71455-6 – Cambridge First Certificate in English 2 for updated exam Cambridge ESOL Excerpt More information Test 1 PAPER 1 READING (1 hour) Part 1 You are going to read an extract from a n