SAP TCode (Transaction Code) - FB01 SAP TcodeFB01 DescriptionPost Document PackageFIDC Program NameSAPMF05A Screen Number100 Transaction TypeT ModuleFinancial Accounting The SAP TCodeFB01is used for the task: Post Document. The TCode belongs to the FIDC package. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Experts, In Fb01 Tcode i entered Header items and in line item enter Posting key 40 and Expense Account no xxxxx if press enter it will take you to line item screen.In that screen (no 1015) have costcenter and Order.Now my requirement is i have...
Purpose: add customer fields in tcode FB01,F-02 for postting document in SAP ABAP. enhancement:BADI-FI_HEADER_SUB_1300-F-02 会计凭证抬头增加字段。 T-code: SE19 BADI:FI_HEADER_SUB_1300 Step1: add a customer struct...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear All, I am unable to post multiple line items while postnig AR Invoice using BDC recording of FB01. Can anyone provide me the BDC program code to post multiple line items. Thanks in Advance, HarishReply...
FEDI0001 Function Exits for EDI in FI for BTE finding chekc this link and for badis For BADI's, 1)goto to tcode SE24 give the CL_EXITHANDLER and display and then double click on the GET_INSTANCE ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development First RETURN internal table line returns the general process status. If there's no error message, you can get the saved document number. Check this code: CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST' EXPORTING documentheader = lp_documentheader IMPORTING obj_key =...
You have created legacy asset. When you tried to post a follow up transaction with T-code: FB01, you will receive error message "FAA_POST206 - &1: Transaction is before the legacy data transfer".
A transaction code (FB01) is used to post document access functions or running programs in a SAP application more rapidly. By entering a t-code instead of using the menu, navigation and execution are combined into a single step. Transaction code FB01 – post document mainly belongs to financia...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Copy the below program in se38 and execute the program and along with the transaction code you need to specify the program name to obtain the program name all you have to do is execute the t-code and go to system--> status and copy the program ...
Hi, I’ve recently come across SAP Note 1600667 which describes transactions with SoD conflicts with themselves. One example is FB01 which the Note says has the risk ““Process Vendor Invoices and Post Journal Entry”” and …