The Fault in Our Stars: Directed by Josh Boone. With Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, Nat Wolff, Laura Dern. Hazel and Gus are teenagers who meet at a cancer support group and fall in love. They both share the same acerbic wit and a love of books, especia
The Fault in Our Stars 这篇影评可能有剧透 PS:想用影片名当评论名,是因为这个名字太妙了,并且也很好听。多年前,第N次刷完《大话西游》后特别有感觉地浓重忧伤了几日,并写下了一篇名叫“爱情故事”的影评,那篇评些什么内容我现在忘得差不多了,只记得结尾处我对为此伤心了几日的自己写下了:从未谈过恋爱...
The fault in our stars 这篇影评可能有剧透 一开始听见译名,我以为是star-crossed的双关。事实上引自莎翁。影评与影片本身就可一体,无需冗语,一边叙述一边告诉你你应该从中体会的是什么。每个人都以为自己的生命是个奇迹,谁没想过自己是那个改变世界的人,当一切草草了断你要说,如果我有应得的时间,我不该至于...
The fault in our stars读后感 一直喜欢看悬疑小说的我,被朋友强烈推荐这本”我们星星中的缺憾“,其实本身言情小说确实不感兴趣,因为生活已经不易,就别再让自己再多些伤感了。但有一次去王府井外文书店,碰巧看到了这本书,就顺手买了。这本书比较短,一天就看完了。但震撼确很大,应该说这是一本可以把铁石心肠...
There is nothing to the conflict inThe Fault in Our Stars, nothing to the characters, other than cancer. They even admit it. Hazel points out at the very beginning of the book that she’s not very interesting, which Gus denies—arguably to get in her pants, because it’s really never ...
s too late. The truth is The Fault In Our Stars is not the tear your heart out, rip it up and stomp on it reality, but there are challenges in very emotional movies like this that hold a mirror up to our own lives, the way we love, our own mortality. If the mirror mists up,...
Movie-Goers Review the Fault in Our Stars (Short 2014) - Official sites, and other sites with posters, videos, photos and more.
该歌和《The fault in our stars》同名!寓意也大概相同!戳爷打扮成病人的模样,去当地的一家医院与病人配合,拍摄MV。I just want to see the stars with you.And I don't want to see goodbye .第一次听这首歌时,真是开口脆!不知道为什么,给我一种王菲的感觉,都是柔中带刚!
Related story: Book fans flock to movie version of 'The Fault inOur Stars'There are few things...Smith, Michael