power system faultsseries and shunt faultsmultiple-fault calculationThis article presents an efficient computational method to solve the problem of simultaneous multiple faults in power systems, using a conventional symmetrical component formulation. The methodology made possible the development of a ...
The study of calculation for complex fault in power system GONG Ren min,YU Chen gi ,ZHANG Yon hao,CHE Li zhi ( Department of EIectric Power En ineerin ,North China EIectric Power University,Baodin ,071003,China) Abstract: Based on the phase seguence parameter transformation technigue and...
Fault calculation is not simple for a number of reasons: There are many different types of fault in three phase systems. The impedance characteristics of all electrical items in the system must be known The fault impedance itself may be non-zero and difficult to estimate ...
The back-error-propagation algorithm is effectively used for several purposes including its application to error functions (other than the sum of squared errors) and for the calculation of Jacobian and Hessian matrices. This entire process is adopted by each and every layer in the entire the ...
A fault in a three-phase system can either be symmetrical (balanced) or unsymmetrical (unbalanced). In a symmetrical fault all three phases are equally affected. However, this rarely happens. Most three phase faults are unsymmetrical, and that makes doing the fault current calculation more difficu...
In this approach one SVM is trained for classification of faults and its input is independent of firing angle. Thus it does not need wavelet transform, communication setup and calculation of zero-sequence-current component etc. Singh et al. (2011), have proposed a novel approach that is ...
The complex fault computation is one of the important parts in power system calculation. This paper considers complex fault computation including short circuit and phase-broken fault at the same time. All parameters of power systems networks are stored in Microsoft Access. Complex fault computation us...
In this paper,after deeply analysis the information from circuit breakers and protective relays using arithmetic model when a fault occur in power system,we proposed a new associated-matrix algorithm.The results of simulation calculation examples show that the presented mathematical algorithm is prospect...
This difficulty can be avoided if we calculate impedance of different part of the system in reference to a single base value. This technique is calledimpedance notationof power system. In other wards, beforeelectrical fault calculation, the system parameters, must be referred tobase quantitiesand ...
Using travel behavior information disclosed by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration in the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS), we constructed a calculation for total emissions from customer trips to Amazon's brick-and-mortar stores, such as Whole Foods Market. Future versions of the model...