在2021 年 6 月份 OpenSSF 发布 SLSA (Supply chain Levels for Software Artifacts,即软件供应链安全等级)之后,围绕 SLSA 这一套标准陆续发布了很多有助于我们分析的数据服务和产品,比如准 SCA 产品 Open Source Insight,漏洞⻛险库 OSV(Open Source Vulnerabilities,开源组件⻛险数据),软件安全基线检查工具 Al...
Kafka provides 3 levels of persistence: level 1, level 2 (default setting) and level 4. Kafka provides replication durability at level 2 and cannot provide durability guarantee at level 4 because it does not have the ability to fysnc data to disk before confirming the write. By settingflush....
The rotor speed gradually increases with different levels of blades. The rotor partially converts the kinetic energy of the fluid into mechanical energy by rotational speed kinetic energy, which in turn drives a generator attached to the rotor to generate electrical energy. FIGURE 1 Open in figure...
Fault Analysis Service features are in the System.Fabric namespace in the Microsoft.ServiceFabric NuGet package. To use the Fault Analysis Service features, include the nuget package as a reference in your project.PowerShellTo use PowerShell, you must install the Service Fabric SDK. After the ...
Fault Analysis Service features are in the System.Fabric namespace in the Microsoft.ServiceFabric NuGet package. To use the Fault Analysis Service features, include the nuget package as a reference in your project.PowerShellTo use PowerShell, you must install the Service Fabric SDK. After the ...
A full analysis of the time-variant fault current produced by a synchronous generator in a typical marine power system is provided; three phase three wire for principal loads and four wire earthed neutral for hotel loads. Hand calculation results obtained using a Millman's theorem based approach ...
Recent developments in FPGA technology at both hardware and software levels, as well as the rapidly reducing cost, increases the usage of FPGA in the field of power systems. Valsan and Shanti Swarup (2009), have presented a better hardware-efficient logic using a field-programmable gate array ...
experimentally it is challenging to create fault due to shorting of high percentage value. After completing the developed model, the model is verified both in healthy and faulty conditions. In different levels of shorting in one phase winding, the model is simulated, and the phase current values...
leveldb-handbook bigtable-leveldb Skip List--Skip List (one of the most detailed skip list articles on the entire network) # Bloom Filter concept and principle Related Reading LSM-Tree - LevelDb understanding and implementation "Data-intensive system design" LSM-Tree VS BTree ...
Amazon Carbon Footprint Measurement, Analysis and Carbon Reduction Methodology Carbon dioxide levels in Earth's atmosphere have reached their highest level in 3 million years. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and clearing agricultural land emit carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and ...