false allegations of domestic violence, false reports to Child Protective Services (CPS), are unfortunately not uncommon issues in bitter child custody battles. Temporary restraining orders, limited visitation rights, temporary supervisded visitation, and limited contact orders...
It doesn't matter if the happily-ever-after fizzled out after 10 years or you had a one-nighter or a low-rent affair with the MOAB of Single White Females; if you want an active role in your kid's life, you need to fight for your rights in the Idaho court system. Fathers are ...
Must You Give Up Whole Life to Fight for Custody? the Fate of Fathers Embroiled in Acrimonious Custody Battles Has Become Increasingly High Profile in Recent Months. Sophie Blakemore Spoke to One Man about His Personal War with the Courts
Participant one’s daughter is at university in Cape Town and only visits her father during school holidays. Participant one was employed at the time of the interview. Participant two (P2) was 40 years old and became a single father after the court granted him custody of his daughter ...