Kirchner, who at first was led to believe the boy had died, began fighting for custody before the boy was 2 months old. He and Janikova have since married.Last summer, the justices ruled that Kirchner had been denied his parental rights and invalidated the adoption by a couple from a ...
David Goldman has been fighting for custody of his son, Sean, since the boy's mother took him to Brazil in 2004. "I always keep hope, but I don't really expect it, given the things that always happen," David Goldman told CNN on what he said was his 10th or 11th trip to Brazil ...
Some child custody experts believe since children may prefer to be with their father or wish to live with their father, more fathers are getting custody or are being awarded custody. While fighting a legal custody battle over the custody issue is rare, in many child custody cases, fathers are...
His name could also be “ENVY,” for everything that is Mine by Divine Right and justice 2, the enemy craves for himself. He is the eternally insatiable being, for he will never receive that for which he craves; his thirst will never end or be quenched. Never satisfied, what was once...
Fighting Our Way through the System One Dad at a Time It’s not that fathers have a right to their children. It’s that children have a right to their fathers. SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION Child Custody Child Support Visitation Prenups Divorce Paternity Miami Fathers' Rights Attorneys Fearless...
Justin's father said he had unsupervised visits with his son at the time and had been "fighting" for full custody while the boy remained in foster care. He said he had been worried about Justin and was "devastated" when he learned of his death. ...
Whether you’re fighting to retain what you’ve worked hard for in a divorce, or fighting for custody over your children, you are facing the prospect of losing everything that matters most to you. You need a family law attorney who understands what's at stake and will fight tooth and ...
custody and raised him. Draven was a Site-17 kid. Mom in Siberia, dad an alcoholic but doing his best, and he had turned out okay despite the challenges of living behind the curtain. It wasn’t ideal, but it worked. It had worked for the two of them just fine, and the closeness ...
especially in those moments when he and Elin are with the kids and he glimpses little flashes of the life he threw away. Now he shares custody, and when the children go back to their mom's place and his big house falls quiet, he's surrounded by people who work for him and ...
The only hope I have is that at some point I get to split custody with my daughters. It’s a sad state in America when a father gets equal time with the kids he helped raise is seen as a victory. My girls plead for it almost daily but it’s being ignored by their mother and th...