Fatherhoodtransformed him into a more responsible person. 做了父亲以后,他变得更富有责任感了. 辞典例句 We place our faith in the brotherhood of man under thefatherhoodof God. 我们相信在上帝的庇护下人与人之间的兄弟情谊. 期刊摘选 The responsibilites offatherhoodare many. ...
fatherhood n. 1. 父亲的地位(或身份)the state of being a father 例句 释义: 全部,父亲的地位,父亲的身份,父性,父职 更多例句筛选 1. Fathersneedtostepbackforamoment,getoutofthe chaotic stream of dailylife, andreflectabitonfatherhood. 但父亲们确实需要停下自己匆忙的脚步,暂时远离一下纷扰的世事,对...
我就是想说 你这辈子就是当爸爸的料 10.Changed my mind about all sorts of things, from marriage andfatherhood, retirement. 改变了我对各种事的想法 从结婚到生孩子 退役 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词fatherhood的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
Rather , fatherhood is a difficult , rewarding , and mysterious journey . 相反,父道是一段艰难的、值得一行的神秘之旅。 A study published this week shows that fatherhood increases the nerve connections in the region of the brain that controls goal-driven behaviour-at least , it does in marmoset...
fatherhood 英[ˈfɑːðəˌhʊd] 考点解读 托福 雅思 fatherhood 常考释义 n. 父亲的身分;父权;父性;父道 单词详解 英汉双解 n. 父亲身份;父亲的责任 收起 简明例句 She pushed him into marriage andfatherhood. 她逼着他结婚生子。
fatherhood英音: ['fɑ:ðəhud] 美音: ['fɑ:ðəhud] 名词 父亲的身分,父权英英释义 the kinship relation between an offspring and the father the status of a father the status of a religious leader God when considered as the first person in the Trinity ...
fatherhood -ˌhu̇d noun fatherless -ləs adjective father 2 of 2 verb fathered; fathering ˈfät͟h-(ə-)riŋ ˈfȧt͟h- 1 a : beget sense 1 b : to be the founder, producer, or author of 2 : to treat or care for someone as a father More...