either on their own or inpartnershipwith another organization.The National Fatherhood Initiative has robust online resources, including a seven-step toolkit on how to start a successfulfatherhood program. If you already have a program in place, benchmark it against...
“I woke up one morning, at the tender age of fifteen, and I thought to myself: Man, I really hope I get ordered to pay child support some day.” - No one, ever. To make a referral: Jeff Thompson 303 271 4550 Jsthomps@jeffco.us...
All Pro Dad is a Fatherhood Program designed to inspire fathers around the world to be the best dad, husband and person they can be. Join us for FREE today!
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The Fatherhood Curriculum and Prevention Program (FCPP) uses The Dads for Life Curriculum and The Male Responsibility and Prevention Program (MRPP) Training Manual to teach effective fatherhood skills to male youth 12-21 years of age. The MRPP Curriculum is designed to assist professionals and ...
Research on the PAIRS (Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills) program has consistently demonstrated significant positive changes across diverse demographic,… Read More Fatherhood Marriage Education News Technology Mastering Communication with PAIRS Yodi App: The Benefits of the Talking Tips ...
Fatherhood The #beacooldad series is a content series that highlights fatherhood journeys, empowers fathers, and fosters a sense of community. Read More CoolxKids The CoolxKids program provides creative exploration and mentorship opportunities to empower children through education, community, and self-...
This report presents the four RF Pathways-to-Outcomes models, related to outcomes for which at least one program in the PACT evaluation had statistically significant impacts: (1) healthy relationships between co-parents, (2) father development and well-being, (3) consistent employment; and (4)...
The Re:Membering Fatherhood Program is designed for men wanting to address and improve their fathering experience. The primary focus is on enhance the personal parenting capacity of each individual, not to develop or inculcate a specific set of parenting skills. This exploratory study evaluated the...