The purpose of FFMI is to interpret body composition regardless of height.[1]It is used to identify individuals with malnutrition, or a relatively high muscle mass.[2] The Importance of Body Composition There are several different metrics used to determine overall health. One of the most easily...
Fat Free Mass Index (FFMI) Calculator uses body weight, height, and body fat to calculate the amount of muscle mass relative to input parameters. We can also adjust the FFMI reading from the above a 1.8 meter for men and 1.63 meter for women. FFMI calculator is useful as an indicator fo...
The FFMI Lean Mass Index Calculator is a tool that helps assess body composition by considering a person’s lean body mass (muscle mass). This calculator assesses whether a person has a healthy body mass index (BMI) level by correlating muscle mass with body size. The FFMI calculation is an...
Another way to measure body fat is to use a body fat analyzer.These tools measure body fat using Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA). A very low power current is passed through the body, and makes an assessment based on the level of water content in the body (muscle holds a high water...
I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp ( more information ) Join over 175,000 ShapeFit subscribers who are receiving our free weekly fitness newsletter and learn how you can build more muscle, burn off body fat and get into the best shape of your life! We hate ...
BMR Calculator Understanding Lean Mass The difference between your weight and the total amount of stored fat is your “lean mass”. Many people mistake this for muscle – it is not. Itincludesmuscle, but also includes bone, tissue, water, organs, even the contents of your stomach. ...
Maximum Fat Loss Calculator Determines the amount of calories needed to optimize the reduction of body fat while preserving muscle mass. TDEE Calculator This calculator can determine your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) and is accurate for all age groups, including young children. ...
This body fat calculator estimates the percentage of your body weight that is fat mass. Fat mass is exactly what you think it is: All the fat on your body. The body fat calculator also estimates your lean mass. Simply put, lean mass is anything that isn’t fat mass—muscle, bone, org...
Also, if you have no fat to burn, the body will burn muscle instead. Input your data Life stage Sex Age Height Body weight Body fat results Average body fat % Body fat weight BMI and lean body mass Share resultReload calculator Check out 19 similar body measurements calculators ...
The goal is to preserve muscle mass and lose fat during a contest prep but you also have to be able to maintain energy to train. This means keeping protein high (also has a thermogenic fat-burning effect), and carbs high enough to maintain strength and energy for training sessions. In ad...