在Windows系统中,你可以运行fastqc.bat文件来启动FastQC,或者在命令行中输入 "java -jar fastqc.jar"。
FastQC是一个用于高通量序列数据的质量控制程序。FastQC可以读取并分析多种格式的序列数据,并且可以以交互的形式来检查几种不同的质量结果,或者创建一个可以集成到自动分析流程中的报告。该软件生成的结果是html格式文件,使用可以使用浏览器打开,非常便捷。 fastqc 软件的安装(Linux环境,不提供windows) fastqc软件需要依靠...
fastqc=0.11.7 -y验证fastqc...软件是否安装成功fastqc --help输出内容,则安装成功3、conda environment查看:conda info --envs建立新环境conda create -n rna-seq python...=3 fastqc trimmomatic -y激活新环境conda activate rna-seq验证新环境fastqc输出信息,则证明已激活注意:1、左键复制,右键粘贴(windows)2...
Thanks to the awesome service provided by Azure, GitHub, CircleCI, AppVeyor, Drone, and TravisCI it is possible to build and upload installable packages to the conda-forge anaconda.org channel for Linux, Windows and OSX respectively. To manage the continuous integration and simplify feedstock ...
Currently, without editing any files, the only way to increase the amount of memory FastQC is able to use is by using multiple threads. However, we have thousands of samples we wish to run FastQC on, and we want to use 1 thread for each ...