Today Roman Catholic authorities maintain that the faithful must fast only on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. They must also abstain from eating meat on these days, as well as on all Fridays during Lent. During the rest of the year, however, they are no longer required to forgo eating meat...
Sixty years ago, no Mass-goer would have dreamt of eating meat on Fridays. So Groen, himself a practising Catholic, approached Ray Kroc, the control-freak founder of the McDonald’s franchise, who flew into a rage if unused ketchup sachets were thrown away and spent his last years spying...
The Catholic nun Sister Joan Chittister writes: Lent is the opportunity to change what we ought to change but have not...Lent is about becoming, doing and changing whatever it is that is blocking the fullness of life in us right now... Lent is a summons to live anew...Lent is the ...