FASTING AND ABSTINENCE:In addition to abstinence, fasting is to be observed by all Catholics between the ages of 18-59 years (inclusive). There are two days for this: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday (no meat is to be eaten on these two days). On days of fasting, one full meal is allo...
As noted, the journey of Holy Week also marks the conclusion of Lent, a season of 40 days of fasting, prayer, and repentance that begins on Ash Wednesday. This season of reflection prepares us for the intense spiritual pilgrimage of Holy Week, encouraging introspection and renewal. As Holy ...
Abstinence and fasting are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. TheCode of Canon Lawsays: Can. 1251: Abstinence from eating meat or some other food according to the prescripts of the conference of bishops is to be observed on all Fridays, unless a solemnity should fall on a ...
In the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church these Lenten days are a time of preparation. They are a time of personal repentance and sacrifice. These acts lead us to a point in which we are able to fully and joyfully participate in the Holy Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter S...
Topics Include: Advent, Angels, Baptism, Canon Law, Catholic Books, Catholic Dictionary, Catholic Funeral, Catholic History, Catholic Prayers, Christmas, Easter, Fasting, Grace, Good Friday, Infertility, Inspirational Quotes, Lent, Love / Charity, Matrimony, Movie Reviews, Pope, Pro-Life, Rome, ...
February 21, 2025 - Friday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time - Saint Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Church—Optional Memorial - Catholic Daily Reflections from My Catholic Life! Understand, Accept, Embrace February 20, 2025 - Thursday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time - Catholic ...
Fasting, sorrow, and mourning for your sins are the method by which you do that. Rending your hearts means true contrition and repentance. Always be mindful of the mercy of God, how gracious He is to those who come back to Him. He is merciful, meaning He knows your weaknesses and ...
Today’s reflection, written byMerridith Frediani, reminds us of the true purpose of Lent – to draw closer to God by embracing the invitation into original solitude. As we begin our Lenten journey with Ash Wednesday, Merridith shares with us the power of giving alms, prayer, and fasting,...
Good Friday Good Friday is meant to be a day of fasting and of solemn reflection. My kids aren’t very good at that. And, frankly, neither am I. But we do our best. We’ll start the day withHot Cross Buns, because even though they’re a tasty treat, I figure if they were Cat...
Ash Wednesday and Good Fridayare days ofFast & Abstinence. All Catholics ages 18-59 are to observefastingand those 14 and older are toabstain from meaton those days. Penitential Discipline: Penance is an important requirement of the Christian life. Fulfillment of this duty involves prayer, works...