FastestMixingMarkovChainonGraphswithSymmetries StephenBoyd ∗ PersiDiaconis † PabloA.Parrilo ‡ LinXiao § April27,2007 Abstract Weshowhowtoexploitsymmetriesofagraphtoefficientlycomputethefastestmixing Markovchainonthegraph(i.e.,findthetransitionprobabilitiesontheedgestominimizethe second-largesteigen...
Fastest Mixing Markov Chain on a PathLin Xiao
For an irreducible stochastic matrix T, the Kemeny constant K(T) measures the expected time to mixing of the Markov chain corresponding to T. Given a strongly connected directed graph D, we consider the set ΣD of stochastic matrices whose directed graph is subordinate to D, and compute the...
The fastest animal on land is the cheetah. 陆地上跑得最快的动物是印度豹。 权威例句 The Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West The Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West [C] Fastest Mixing Markov Chain on a Graph Three Fastest Shortest Path Algorithms on Real Road Networks: Data Structures ...
Sparse Solutions to the Average Consensus Problem via Various Regularizations of the Fastest Mixing Markov-Chain Problem 来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 2 作者:G Gnecco,R Morisi,A Bemporad 摘要: In the consensus problem on multi-agent systems, in which the states of the agents represent opinions...
This has been treated as the Fastest Mixing Markov Chain (FMMC) problem over a graph with given transition probabilities over a subset of edges. Addressing this multi-objective optimization problem over the friendship graph, this paper has provided the corresponding Pareto optimal points or the ...
In a series of recent works, Boyd, Diaconis, and their co-authors have\nintroduced a semidefinite programming approach for computing the fastest mixing\nMarkov chain on a graph of allowed transitions, given a target stationary\ndistribution. In this paper, we show that standard mixing-time ...
A symmetric, random walk on a graph G can be defined by prescribing weights to the edges in such a way that for each vertex the sum of the weights of the edges incident to the vertex is at most one. The fastest mixing, Markov chain (FMMC) problem for G is to determine the ...
In the Fastest Mixing Markov Chain problem, we are given a graph G = (V , E) and desire the discrete-time Markov chain with smallest mixing time τ subject to having equilibrium distribution uniform on V and non-zero transition probabilities only across edges of the graph. I...
fastest mixingsecond largest eigenvalue modulusgraph theoryIn this paper, we consider two convex optimisation problems in order to maximise the mixing rate of a Markov chain on an undirected path. In the first formulation, the holding probabilities of vertices are identical and the transition ...