Fastest Mixing Markov Chain on a PathLin Xiao
I am currently reading a classic paper,Fastest Mixing Markov Chain on a Graph, by Boyd & Diaconis & Xiao. I have problem understanding how the optimal conditions can be derived in Section 4.2. The paper first formulates the original problem into a semidefinite progamming probl...
FastestmixingMarkovchainongraphswithsymmetries 系统标签: markovmixingfastestchainsymmetriesgraphs arXiv:0709.0955v1[math.PR]6Sep2007FastestMixingMarkovChainonGraphswithSymmetriesStephenBoyd∗PersiDiaconis†PabloA.Parrilo‡LinXiao§April27,2007AbstractWeshowhowtoexploitsymmetriesofagraphtoefficientlycomputethefa...
双语例句 用作形容词(adj.) The fastest animal on land is the cheetah. 陆地上跑得最快的动物是印度豹。 权威例句 The Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West The Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West [C] Fastest Mixing Markov Chain on a Graph ...
The fastest mixing, Markov chain (FMMC) problem for G is to determine the weighting that yields the fastest mixing random walk. We solve the FMMC problem in the case that G is the union of two complete graphs.doi:10.1080/03081087.2010.538690Allison, Mary...
In the Fastest Mixing Markov Chain problem, we are given a graph G = (V, E) and desire the discrete-time Markov chain with smallest mixing time tau subject to having equilibrium distribution uniform on V and non-zero transition probabilities only across edges of the graph. It is well-...
This has been treated as the Fastest Mixing Markov Chain (FMMC) problem over a graph with given transition probabilities over a subset of edges. Addressing this multi-objective optimization problem over the friendship graph, this paper has provided the corresponding Pareto optimal points or the ...
In a series of recent works, Boyd, Diaconis, and their co-authors have\nintroduced a semidefinite programming approach for computing the fastest mixing\nMarkov chain on a graph of allowed transitions, given a target stationary\ndistribution. In this paper, we show that standard mixing-time ...
fastest mixingsecond largest eigenvalue modulusgraph theoryIn this paper, we consider two convex optimisation problems in order to maximise the mixing rate of a Markov chain on an undirected path. In the first formulation, the holding probabilities of vertices are identical and the transition ...