disk-limit-tmp (OS) : 2,100,904,853,504 bytes If these are not the correct numbers: turn off the size-check with "--size-check off"
最近在使用fastq-dump或者是fasterq-dump解压SRA数据的时候总是出现如下问题: clipboard.png 也试过github给出的解决办法: 1)给出软件或者SRA的全路径 2)更新sra-tools的版本 但是仍然出现上述问题,于是使用最终的办法: 3)重新下载sra数据,便可解决以上问题...
2024-01-28T11:17:08 fasterq-dump.3.0.10 err: the input data is missing the QUALITY-column fasterq-dump quit with error code 3 I would like to know what the reasons are, and possible solutions, thank you very much!
fasterq-dump quit with error code 3 Contributor wraetzcommentedJul 20, 2020 Your second command "fasterq-dump ERR695638" does not use the accession you downloaded via prefetch. By specifying a bare accession the tool always goes out over the internet and fetches the data again - in other word...
12 fasterq-dump.2.10.8 err: fasterq-dump.c produce_lookup_files() -> RC(rcVDB,rcNoTarg,rcConstructing,rcSize,rcInvalid) fasterq-dump quit with error code 3 $ fasterq-dump --version "fasterq-dump" version 2.10.8 $ fastq-dump SRR10270858 Read 1 spots for SRR10270858 Written 1 spots ...
Hi All, I am trying to use fasterq-dump to extract fasta files for this accession SRR16235266 Anytime I use it fastq files are rather generated. Below is the command I use fasterq-dump --fasta 60 SRR16235266 Please advice.