<waitingforany device> 解决方法 1.打开设备管理器 fastboot模式下手机连接电脑,打开设备管理器 2.选择设备 点击其他设备,选择Android右击鼠标 3.找驱动 点击更新驱动程序再次点击浏览我的电脑以查找驱动程序再次点击让我从计算机上的可用驱动程序列表中选取再次点击通用串行总线设备然后在 厂商 选择列表中选取WinUSB设备...
fastboot reboot bootloader and any other fastboot command shows < waiting for any device > and waits infinitelySort by date Sort by votes D Deleted member 1890170 Guest Jun 22, 2021 #2 What is returned by command Code: fastboot devices Upvote 0 Downvote a...
Any fastboot command I issue returns "waiting for any device". I have to hold down the phone power button for several seconds to exit this screen and then the phone reboots normally. If I issue the "adb reboot bootloader" command when the phone is in TWRP or I select Reboot - Bootloa...
Any fastboot command I issue returns "waiting for any device". I have to hold down the phone power button for several seconds to exit this screen and then the phone reboots normally. If I issue the "adb reboot bootloader" command when the phone is in TWRP or I select Reboot - Bootloa...
waiting for any device 代表未插入设备,设备未进入 FASTB00T状态,或驱动程序未就绪。 直接输出FASTB00T帮助信息或“fastboot:usage:unk nown command xxx” 代表命令或语法格式输入有误, 其中“xxx”为输入错误的命令。 #adb命令##usb调试##玩机技巧#
fastboot reboot fastboot# 注意!没有d 结果手机确实进入了Fastbootd,电脑没法识别,一直提示< waiting for any device >: 2. 下载驱动 在这里下载驱动:https://developer.android.com/studio/run/win-usb 获得压缩包: 3. 安装驱动 解压,得到驱动: 打开设备管理器,找到你的“未识别设备”(也就是你的Fastbootd手...
6.9 fastboot oem device-info 查看当前BL锁状态(非MTK) 6.10 fastboot oem lks 查看当前BL锁状态(MTK) 6.11 fastboot oem lock 开启BL锁保护 6.12 fastboot oem edl 进入高通008救援模式 6.13 fastboot reboot 重启进入系统 6.14 fastboot oem poweroff 拔掉数据线后关机 ...
fastboot模式怎么退出长按电源键10秒强制关机,重启即可恢复正常在fastboot模式中,使用音量键调到reboot,使用电源键确定后自动重启即可使用电脑连接手机,电脑下载使用aob工具,自动检测安装,输入fastboot reboot即可手机:小米11&&ThinkPad x280 系统:MIUI12& 来自吧 silver棒冰42 silver棒冰4208-11 22 fastboot这个问题的解决方...
But when I do adb reboot bootloader neither the phone nor the PC can see each other. Phone says that after 60 seconds without action, the phone will reboot, and on the PC fastboot devices gives an empty line, if you try to use any fastboot command, the text "Waiting for any device"...
fastboot reboot fastboot I get the following Error: Rebooting into fastboot OKAY [ 0.002s] < waiting for any device > fastboot: error: Failed to boot into userspace fastboot; one or more components might be unbootable. And when trying to flash abl: Sending 'abl' (1996 KB) OKAY [ 0.055...