首先我们点击如下所示内容:点击Android1.0右键点击“更新驱动程序软件”2.点击后出现如下显示:3.然后点击“浏览计算机以查找驱动程序软件”,出现如下对话框:4.然后点击“从计算机的设备驱动程序列表中选择”,出现如下对话框:然后选择Alcatel ADB Interface即可。安装成功后即可解除waiting卡顿,在这个过程中,如果不行...
在一些老旧设备上,可能会提示 (Flash Failure),(无论左上角显示 boot failure 还是 flash failure)但是能够选择 normal power up 开机,AP Fastboot Mode 界面底下也没有报错内容。 解决方法: A. 利用 Fastboot 命令随便刷入个镜像,例如 logo.bin(适用于 2014 年前的老设备) B. 手动执行 Fastboot 命令:fastboo...
<waitingforany device> 解决方法 1.打开设备管理器 fastboot模式下手机连接电脑,打开设备管理器 2.选择设备 点击其他设备,选择Android右击鼠标 3.找驱动 点击更新驱动程序再次点击浏览我的电脑以查找驱动程序再次点击让我从计算机上的可用驱动程序列表中选取再次点击通用串行总线设备然后在 厂商 选择列表中选取WinUSB设备...
Some more drastic ways also suggest it for boot as well. But IDK, is it worth the trouble really? And even if one could get into the fastboot, that command might not work after all... I'm trying to repurpose the phone as a dedicated Android Auto "server" and would like to be ...
It is getting stuck at :< waiting for any device > Please tell me how I can add the public key. How can I make the board enter into fastboot mode? I have both Windows and Linux machine. But prefer to use the Ubuntu for flashing. Thanks and regards, Abh...
Some more drastic ways also suggest it for boot as well. But IDK, is it worth the trouble really? And even if one could get into the fastboot, that command might not work after all... I'm trying to repurpose the phone as a dedicated Android Auto "server" and would like to be ...
boot:存放内核和ramdisk的分区。 hboot:这个是SPL所在的分区。很重要哦.也是fastboot所在的分区。刷错就真的变砖了。 splash1:这个就是开机第一屏幕了。 radio:这个是radio所在的分区。 --- fastboot&adb基本命令 显示设备:adb devices 查看设备连接状态。 发送电脑...
6.8 fastboot boot <内核镜像文件名或路径> 临时启动 6.9 fastboot oem device-info 查看当前BL锁状态(非MTK) 6.10 fastboot oem lks 查看当前BL锁状态(MTK) 6.11 fastboot oem lock 开启BL锁保护 6.12 fastboot oem edl 进入高通008救援模式 6.13 fastboot reboot 重启进入系统 ...
Restart boot loader:重新启动引导加载器(一个是重新进入fastboot 模式)recovery mode:重启至recovery模式Power off:关机还有上图中解释下最后那个:Device State - locked(设备状态 - 锁定),这个应该是所说的BL锁了。所以说目前要刷机之前还是要解BL锁。温馨提示:请不要自行尝试刷机软件解BL锁或刷机请不要自行尝试...
< waiting for any device > fastboot: error: Failed to boot into userspace fastboot; one or more components might be unbootable. And when trying to flash abl: Sending 'abl' (1996 KB) OKAY [ 0.055s] Writing 'abl' FAILED (remote: 'Flashing is not allowed for Critical Partitions. ') fas...