"fastboot waiting for any device" 是一条在使用 Android 设备的 Fastboot 模式时常见的消息。Fastboot 是一种用于与 Android 设备进行低级通信的协议,常用于刷机、解锁引导加载程序(bootloader)、安装系统镜像等操作。这条消息意味着 Fastboot 工具正在等待与任何处于 Fastboot 模式的 Android 设备建立连接。 可能导致此...
安装google的usb devices驱动即可 下载地址:https://developer.android.com/studio/run/win-usb?hl=zh-cn 安装教程:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/366904302 核心步骤 设备管理器 其他设备 -&
使用fastboot指令对手机进行刷机时提示 watingforanydevice 如下图所示 waitingforanydevice.png 1.则需要下载Google USB驱动,下载链接如下 https://www.ytechb.com/install-google-usb-driver-windows/ 下载完后,对压缩包进行解压,得到文件夹usb_driver,如下所示 usb_driver.png 3.安装驱动,打开电脑的设备管理器,...
我用的是Pixel 3 XL手机,之前一台电脑可以找到设备,这台电脑一直waiting for any device 话不多说,先下载谷歌驱动:https://www.ytechb.com/install-google-usb-driver-windows/ 下载以后,打开设备管理器,打到便捷设备,下图是已安装好的 点击右键--->更新驱动-->选择你的驱动位置,如下图 就可以找到设备...
<waitingforany device> 解决方法 1.打开设备管理器 fastboot模式下手机连接电脑,打开设备管理器 2.选择设备 点击其他设备,选择Android右击鼠标 3.找驱动 点击更新驱动程序再次点击浏览我的电脑以查找驱动程序再次点击让我从计算机上的可用驱动程序列表中选取再次点击通用串行总线设备然后在 厂商 选择列表中选取WinUSB设备...
fastboot reboot bootloader and any other fastboot command shows < waiting for any device > and waits infinitelySort by date Sort by votes D Deleted member 1890170 Guest Jun 22, 2021 #2 What is returned by command Code: fastboot devices Upvote 0 Downvote ...
As long as the connection isn't established Fastboot throws message "waiting for any device". BTW: Booting into device's bootloader ( FYI: each device has a bootloader ) requires in addition to the well-known Fastboot driver the Android USB Driver got installed, too. This driver is OEM (...
It is getting stuck at :< waiting for any device > Please tell me how I can add the public key. How can I make the board enter into fastboot mode? I have both Windows and Linux machine. But prefer to use the Ubuntu for flashing. Thanks and regards, Abh...
As long as the connection isn't established Fastboot throws message "waiting for any device". BTW: Booting into device's bootloader ( FYI: each device has a bootloader ) requires in addition to the well-known Fastboot driver the Android USB Driver got installed, too. This driver is OEM (...
waiting for any device 代表未插入设备,设备未进入 FASTB00T状态,或驱动程序未就绪。 直接输出FASTB00T帮助信息或“fastboot:usage:unk nown command xxx” 代表命令或语法格式输入有误, 其中“xxx”为输入错误的命令。 #adb命令##usb调试##玩机技巧#