Missing device drivers – The problem is that Windows cannot locate the drivers for the device. Fastboot can only be used when the drivers are installed so if you have not installed them, then you will get the Fastboot not working error. Drivers not installed properly is a common cause – ...
14. 刷包下载解压好后用刷机工具打开提示couldn’t find flash script.无法刷机 可能路径选错了,选择目录下需要有flash_all_lock.bat文件。 15. 刷twrp挂载不了data怎么办 需要找支持解密的twrp版本,由于新机twrp适配难度,很多已停止更新。 16. 红米note11 4g 国行版,,一个线刷包刷到手机后,出现nv数据已损坏。
1.1.1 find_usb_device static usb_handle *find_usb_device(const char *base, ifc_match_func callback) { usb_handle *usb = 0; char busname[64], devname[64]; char desc[1024]; int n, in, out, ifc; DIR *busdir, *devdir; struct dirent *de; int fd; int writable; busdir = ope...
The error message “failed, remote partition table doesn’t exist” typically occurs in fastboot mode when attempting to flash a system image or perform other operations that require access to the device’s partition table, but the necessary partition information cannot be found or accessed remotely...
解决办法。要把刷机包放到电脑桌面上 error:couldn't find flash script 错误解决方法: ①:使用360压缩解压tgz线刷包; ②:未把刷机包放到根目录(极大概率); ③:刷机工具未在根目录; ④:刷机包bat批处理文件丢失,请用迅雷使用源文件下载地址进行下载;
Thread Question matepad 11.5 bootloader where to find Hi, I have an Huawei matedpad 11.5 tablet I try to root it I connect via fastboot all right. With hisuite, and every right but i dont really know why i should connect hisuite to tablet but i just make it So, next step. I rea...
<Mod Edit> Duplicate posts merged and translated My device model is Redmi Note 10 pro, there is an incorrectly flashed ROM on my device, I cannot change it, my device version is MIUI Global 14.0.8 It gives an error like this *** cihazımın modeli Redmi Note 10 pro cihazı...
device supports slots.All operations on partitions that support slots will be done on the slot specified.'all'can be given to refer to all slots.'other'can be given to refer to a non-current slot.Ifthisflag is not used,slotted partitions willdefaultto the current active slot.-a,--set-...
I have a MX6 custom board, after sending the bootloader via UUU, I run the fastboot 0 in my bootloader. The uuu can't detect the device and faced with segmentation fault. commit: 88ce01edebbcd651f9288d664d17ef45beffb441 version: uuu (Uni...
fastboot_fail("invalid mmc device", response); return; }ret = part_get_info_by_name_or_alias(dev_desc, cmd, &info); if (ret < 0) { error("cannot find partition: '%s'", cmd); fastboot_fail("cannot find partition", response); ...