Re: v3s内核启动卡在文件系统挂载(cannot open root device) 晕哥 说: 这是V3s 的 spi nand + camdroid ? 不是,这是spinand+bsp应该,camdroid被否掉了,然后我就用sdk lichee里的./,然后再pack,按理来说同一个sdk,camdroid是可以用的,linux也应该是可以的吧 离线 楼主...
[I/HDF_LOG_TAG] ChipDriverInit: chipDetect succ, ret = 0 [I/HDF_INPUT_DRV] UpdateFirmware: update firmware success [I/HDF_LOG_TAG] ChipDriverInit: update firmware success [I/HDF_INPUT_DRV] RegisterInputDevice: enter [I/HDF_INPUT_DRV] CreateDeviceNode: create node succ, devId is 1 ...
Fastboot: NormalNormal BootHit any key to stop autoboot: 3 2 1 0 switch to partitions #0, OKmmc1 is current device** Unable to read file boot.scr **23163392 bytes read in 995 ms (22.2 MiB/s)Booting from mmc ...82009 bytes read in 18 ms (4.3 MiB/s)## Flattened Device Tree ...
probe video device failed, ret -22In: serialOut: serialErr: serialSEC0: RNG instantiated BuildInfo:- ATF 2353cae Card did not respond to voltage select! : -110Detect USB boot. Will enter fastboot mode!Net: Could not get PHY for FEC0: addr 0Could not get PHY for FEC...
Fastboot: NormalNormal BootHit any key to stop autoboot: 3 2 1 0 switch to partitions #0, OKmmc1 is current device** Unable to read file boot.scr **23163392 bytes read in 995 ms (22.2 MiB/s)Booting from mmc ...82009 bytes read in 18 ms (4.3 MiB/s)## Flattened Device Tree ...
Fastboot: NormalNormal BootHit any key to stop autoboot: 3 2 1 0 switch to partitions #0, OKmmc1 is current device** Unable to read file boot.scr **23163392 bytes read in 995 ms (22.2 MiB/s)Booting from mmc ...82009 bytes read in 18 ms (4.3 MiB/s)## Flattened Device Tree ...
Fastboot: NormalNormal BootHit any key to stop autoboot: 3 2 1 0 switch to partitions #0, OKmmc1 is current device** Unable to read file boot.scr **23163392 bytes read in 995 ms (22.2 MiB/s)Booting from mmc ...82009 bytes read in 18 ms (4.3 MiB/s)## Flattened Device Tree ...
probe video device failed, ret -22In: serialOut: serialErr: serialSEC0: RNG instantiated BuildInfo:- ATF 2353cae Card did not respond to voltage select! : -110Detect USB boot. Will enter fastboot mode!Net: Could not get PHY for FEC0: addr 0Could not get PHY for FEC...