demo-fastapi-async-sqlalchemy Demo of set up for Web App Backend using FastAPI + Async SQLAlchemy. See Commands Start project: docker compose up -d Create migration file: backend/...
The fastapi>=0.111.0 has afastapicommand. (venv) $ APP_CONFIG_FILE=local fastapi dev INFO: Will watchforchangesinthese directories: ['/Users/rhoboro/go/src/'] INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) INFO: ...
该项目演示了SQLAlchemy 1.4与FastAPI的异步用法。 阅读文章: 。 安装 要运行该示例,请在fastapi_asyncalchemy/db/base.py更改DATABASE_URL 。 要安装项目: poetry install 要运行示例,我们需要输入虚拟环境: poetry shell 创建数据库表: python 使用Uvicorn运行FastAPI: uvicorn main:app --reload 您可以...
get_session是一个异步生成器函数。它返回一个异步迭代器。你不能await那些。你 * 可以 * 等待他们的...
Demo of set up for Web App Backend using FastAPI + Async SQLAlchemy. See Commands Start project: docker compose up -d Create migration file: backend/scripts/autogenerate_migrations....
I am still working on adding tests for Async SQLAlchemy. In the meantime, if you would like to test it out, you can install the feature branch with: pip install git+ awtkns added the enhancement label Jan 18, 2022 awtkns self-assigned ...
Fast FastAPI boilerplate Yet another template to speed your FastAPI development up. 0. About FastAPI boilerplate creates an extendable async API using FastAPI, Pydantic V2, SQLAlchemy 2.0 and PostgreSQL: FastAPI: modern Python web framework for building APIs Pydantic V2: the most widely used data...
Demo of set up for Web App Backend using FastAPI + Async SQLAlchemy - demo-fastapi-async-sqlalchemy/docker-compose.yml at main · leetesla/demo-fastapi-async-sqlalchemy
Demo of set up for Web App Backend using FastAPI + Async SQLAlchemy. See Commands Start project: docker compose up -d Create migration file: backend/scripts/autogenerate_migrations....