return { "message" : f"所有的blogs: 来自第{page}页, 总共有{page_size}笔资料" } 查询参数的验证方式:Optional from typing import Optional @app.get( "/blog/all" ) def get_blogs_all ( page= 1 , page_size: Optional [ int ] = None ): return { "message" : f"所有的blogs: 来自第{...
And you can also declare body parameters as optional, by setting the default to None:Python 3.10+ from typing import Annotated from fastapi import FastAPI, Path from pydantic import BaseModel app = FastAPI() class Item(BaseModel): name: str description: str | None = None price: float tax:...
Check if there is an optional query parameter namedq(as inhttp:// forGETrequests. As theqparameter is declared with= None, it is optional. Without theNoneit would be required (as is the body in the case withPUT). ...
They're used for filtering, sorting, or passing optional data. Example: /users?age=30&city=NewYork Body Parameters: These are sent in the request body, typically with POST, PUT, or PATCH methods. They're used for sending larger amounts of data or complex structures. Often used for form ...
fromtypingimportOptional,List fromfastapiimportAPIRouter, Path, Query fromenumimportEnum frompydanticimportBaseModel, Field app01 = APIRouter() """ Path Parameters and Number validation 路径参数与数字验证验证 """ @app01.get("/path/parameters") ...
Request body + path + query parameters 综合栗子 可以同时声明请求体、路径参数、查询参数 FastAPI 可以识别出它们中的每一个,并从正确的位置获取到数据 实际代码 from typing import Optional from fastapi import FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel class Item(BaseModel): name: str description: Optional[st...
Check if there is an optional query parameter named q (as in for GET requests. As the q parameter is declared with = None, it is optional. Without the None it would be required (as is the body in the case with PUT). For PUT request...
from typingimportOptional # 必传参数+可选参数 @app.get("/items")asyncdefread_item(item_id:str,name:Optional[str]=None):return{"item_id":item_id,"name":name} 不传name 的请求结果 name 没传所以取默认值 None 查询参数类型自动转换
types of the variables before runtime. By using type annotations, developers can annotate variables, functions, and classes and give indications of the type that are excpected. It is important to note that these annotations are completely optional and do not make Python a statically typed ...
# Path,Query 定义的入参 gt: Optional[float] = None, ge: Optional[float] = None, lt: Optional[float] = None, le: Optional[float] = None, 6-7-3 | 定义选填 & 必填 定义选填参数:Query(default=None) 定义必填参数: 不写default=None 写为default=... 写为Query(default=Required),需引...