cd Fast-Drone-250 catkin_make source devel/setup.bash roslaunch ego_planner single_run_in_sim.launch 在Rviz内按下键盘G键,再单击鼠标左键以点选无人机目标点 第八章:常用实验与调试软件的安装与使用 VScode:sudo dpkg -i ***.deb Terminator:sudo apt install terminator ...
修改fast-drone-250.yaml的body_T_cam0和body_T_cam1的data矩阵的第四列为你的无人机上的相机相对于飞控的实际外参,单位为米,顺序为x/y/z,第四项是1,不用改 VINS外参精确自标定 sh shfiles/ rostopic echo /vins_fusion/imu_propagate 拿起飞机沿着场地尽量缓慢地行走,场地内光照变化不要太大,...
hardware and software design of the 250mm autonomous drone - Fast-Drone-250/firmware at master · ccvsxxsun/Fast-Drone-250
hardware and software design of the 250mm autonomous drone - Fast-Drone-250/src at master · BIT-KAUIS-USIC/Fast-Drone-250
hardware and software design of the 250mm autonomous drone - Fast-Drone-250/ at master · IIM-ChaoYu/Fast-Drone-250
hardware and software design of the 250mm autonomous drone - Fast-Drone-250/ at master · Keanu-Re/Fast-Drone-250
hardware and software design of the 250mm autonomous drone - Fast-Drone-250/ at master · Leonardfjy/Fast-Drone-250
hardware and software design of the 250mm autonomous drone - Fast-Drone-250/ at master · JTJ-FPV/Fast-Drone-250
hardware and software design of the 250mm autonomous drone - Fast-Drone-250/ at master · NCKU-He-Rong/Fast-Drone-250