利用FastReflectionLib快速实现对象克隆 一、两个相同类型对象属性快速赋值(快速实现对象克隆) 有时候我们会构造一个实例a并赋值,然后new一个对象b并将a对象的属性完全赋值给b(不完全是所谓的深克隆?)。这个功能是开发中比较常用的,我记得几年前学.net remoting编程的时候写了很多代码实现过类似的转换。 实现这种对象...
利用FastReflectionLib快速实现对象克隆 一、两个相同类型对象属性快速赋值(快速实现对象克隆) 有时候我们会构造一个实例a并赋值,然后new一个对象b并将a对象的属性完全赋值给b(不完全是所谓的深克隆?)。这个功能是开发中比较常用的,我记得几年前学.net remoting编程的时候写了很多代码实现过类似的转换。 实现这种对象...
我们可以使用FastReflectionCaches.MethodInvokerCache来获取一个IMethodInvoker对象: static voidExecute(MethodInfomethodInfo,objectinstance,inttimes) {IMethodInvokerinvoker =FastReflectionCaches.MethodInvokerCache.Get(methodInfo);object[] parameters =new object[0];for(inti = 0; i < times; i++) { invoker.Invo...
Utilizes System.Reflection.Metadata to read type information very fast and without locking assembly files. - aelij/FasterReflection
A fast and minimal circular JSON parser. Contribute to WebReflection/flatted development by creating an account on GitHub.
Jacoby nicely stated the problem: “The experience of familiarity has a simple but powerful quality of ‘pastness’(不可复返性) that seems to indicate that it is a direct reflection of prior experience.” This quality of pastness is an illusion. 雅各比很好地陈述了问题:“熟悉感有一种简单而...
Reflection of fast neutrons from a water surfacemulticomponentpolymerizationone-potNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF01127396L. M. ShirkinKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersSoviet Atomic Energy
T. Reflection does not undermine self-interested prosociality. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 8, 300 (2014). 64. Roch, S. G., Lane, J. A. S., Samuelson, C. D., Allison, S. T. & Dent, J. L. Cognitive load and the equality heuristic: a two-stage model of resource overconsumption in...
Reflection : Fast Object Creation 项目 2008/12/13 Reflection is a powerful api in the .net framework. Reflection allow us to inspect types at runtime, dynamically invoke methods, create objects, etc. Using reflection developers can make highly modular applications where functionality can be ...
Due to the period in which the two gratings are sampled differently, each grating has different period of reflection maxima. Therefore, the Vernier Appl. Appl. SScciie..f22f00e11c77t,, i77s,, 11e00n33a33bled and enhances the overall tuning range considerably. The function of the phas66e...