沪江在线词典网为您精选发丧的意思及读音、发丧是什么意思、反义词、近义词等信息,由非汉族华人于2016年4月14日添加。 读音:fā sāng 注音: 基本解释: 基本解释 [释义] (1) (动)丧家宣告某人死去。 (2) (动)办理丧事。 [构成] 动宾式:发|丧
Si Caifas ang nagmungkahi sa mga Judio na mas makabubuting mamatay ang isang tao para sa bayan. Ang Pagkakaila ni Pedro kay Jesus - Sinundan ni Pedro
Did you hear? Mary Fasang, aka The Green Girl, is coming toNetworking Field Day 22. Yay! Connect with Mary at@runninggreengirl on Twitter,the web, or theTech Field Day web site. What are you most excited about seeing at the event?
Fas-induced apoptosis of alveolar epithelial cells requires ANG II generation and receptor interaction. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 277: L1245-L1250, 1999.Wang R, Zagariya A, Ang E, Ibarra-Sunga O, Uhal BD 1999 Fas-induced apoptosis of alveolar epithelial cells requires ANG II ...
《三国演义·第二回》:「帝已崩……秘不发丧。」 ⒉ 举办丧事。 引《史记·卷八·高祖本纪》:「汉王闻之,袒而大哭。遂为义帝发丧,临三日。」 《三国演义·第一四回》:「汉高祖为义帝发丧,而天下归心。」 拓展查询 fa开头的词语 fasang
拼音:fā sāng 发丧的汉语解释发丧的日语翻译 发丧韩语翻译: [이합동사] 1. 부고(訃告)를 알리다. 발상(發喪)하다. 거애(擧哀)하다.2. 장례(葬禮)를 치르다. 장사(葬事)를 지내다.
Fas-induced apoptosis of alveolar epithelial cells requires ANG II generation and receptor interaction. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 277: L1245-L1250, 1999.Wang R, Zagariya A, Ang E, Ibarra-Sunga O, Uhal BD: Fas-induced apoptosis of alveolar epithelial cells requires ANGII generation ...
发丧 首页>汉语词典 《发丧》 词语发丧 拼音fā sāng注音ㄈㄚㄙㄤ 解释①丧家向亲友宣告某人死去。 ②办理丧事更多:https://www.bmcx.com/。 其它“发”字典“丧”字典