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The European Commission's Farm to Fork (F2F) Strategy sets ambitious targets to transform the whole food system towards greater sustainability, but we are critical about its strong focus on technical innovations while neglecting the social and structural aspects in transforming food systems. Also, ...
inclusive growth trajectory for the development of fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly food systems. The Farm to Fork Strategy is part of the EU’s ambitious Green Deal that lays out a
In this special edition of the agrifood podcast, EURACTIV’s agrifood team spoke to a range of policymakers and stakeholders to hear their remarks on the presentation of the highly anticipated Farm to Fork strategy, the new EU’s landmark food policy A special edition of the Agrifood Podcast...
In cases where wages were suppressed in the OES data at the Detailed SOC level, Broad SOC data was used. This imputation strategy was used when either (a) the title was the same for the Broad and Detailed SOCs or (b) there were only two Detailed SOCs within the Broad SOC. In cases ...
Tag - Farm to Fork StrategyAnalysis EU reveals biodiversity and food strategies, placing sustainability at the heart of Covid-19 recovery Emerging Europe Staff The European Commission on May 20 formally launched its comprehensive new biodiversity strategy to bring nature back into our lives, as ...
Yara's roadmap for putting Europe's Farm to Fork Strategy into action The Farm to Fork (F2F) Strategy puts the European Union as a front- runner in the transformation of the global food industry by setting several aspirational goals to make food systems fair, healthy, ...
2022, Nature Food Game-changing potential of the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy 2020, Nature Food Sustainable agri‐food systems: Environment, economy, society, and policy 2021, Sustainability (Switzerland) View all citing articles on Scopus
the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: A Farm to Fork Strategy for a Fair, Healthy and Environmentally-Friendly Food System, (European...
Most vegans and vegetarians cite concerns about the welfare of animals as one of the main reasons for switching away from livestock products. Some evidence suggests that dietary behaviors may represent part of a broader strategy to instigate political and social change (Kalte2021; North et al.2021...