Someone asked me when I had time to garden and the truth is, I don’t have time so I garden before sunrise and in the dark via flashlights or in a timed setting when I run home to let the dogs out. But I can’t not thrash about in the dirt. Abstaining from dirt is a form ...
A few weeks ago we were looking for a billy goat on craigslist. We wanted one so that next year we could hopefully be milking our goats and have more baby goats. We found one and my dad immediately called the guy who was selling it, even though he was at work. The guy said that ...
truly raw almonds from a small farm in California, pastured pork jerky (Roam Sticks), Orange Blossom Honey from our beekeeper Jacob, Fruit trees, Blueberry bushes, Grape vines, Raspberry and many more tasties for your garden.
Don’t have a dehydrator yet? I recommend watching craigslist or the marketplace because they can be pricey ~. the King of the Kings for us is the 9 square tray Excalibur, we have 2 for the full swing of garden season! ...
We are blessed by our proximity to the Twin Cities, which seems to be one of the more active Craigslist urban areas in the country – and we’ve become pretty effective scavengers on it. As you may know,Craigslist has a “Free” sectionwhere people give things away. In many cities, thi...
house facilities. We went from one plastic utility tub to this great stainless sink configuration, all pretty much second-hand equipment that we refurbished. Stainless steel sink - purchased for $75 off Craigslist, came with multiple faucets. Dad added legs and plumbing, dad and Jay attached …...
I will often hold on to an item I like until I can find the part to repair it. Many old items are much better built than new items. Repairing an item with used or cheap parts off Ebay or other sources like Craigslist can save you a literal small fortune. I am not rich enough to...
Although some farm and garden shows recommend looking for a used air compressor on eBay, Craigslist or at auction, there are some risks of buying used equipment: Used air compressors may be at the end of their usefulness. It’s hard to tell just by examining a machine how many running hou...
“Viking Mills, Little Berlin and Emerald St Urban Farm aim to create a community creative art space complete with a berry patch, herb spiral and ornamental flower garden on a vacant lot in the neighborhood of East Kensington. In addition to transforming an unused lot into a beautiful place ...
It’s been a while since I’ve posted garden pictures, and this year’s tiny plot is finally taking off. These images are actually from a few weeks back, so there’s even more action now. We’ve had an exceptionally wet June and the extra moisture stunted some growth (tomatoes) while...