house facilities. We went from one plastic utility tub to this great stainless sink configuration, all pretty much second-hand equipment that we refurbished. Stainless steel sink - purchased for $75 off Craigslist, came with multiple faucets. Dad added legs and plumbing, dad and Jay attached …...
It’s been a while since I’ve posted garden pictures, and this year’s tiny plot is finally taking off. These images are actually from a few weeks back, so there’s even more action now. We’ve had an exceptionally wet June and the extra moisture stunted some growth (tomatoes) while...
It may seem for a moment that I am changing the subject if I start to talk about Craigslist, which deserves a post in itself as a helpful tool for finding and getting rid of things. At any rate, I find myself checking the farm and garden category of Craigslist a couple of times a ...
Now that abundant rain is less necessary for garden growth, and more conducive to fungal and bacterial disease, the rain storms have quit missing us. Very funny, ma nature.“Where were yoooou when I needed you? Wheeeeere were yoooou when I wanted you?”etc. It’s not bad really, but ...
Craigslist Free Stuff Farm Operation Root Cellar the Rust Shack creating an Earth Oven serendipitous storage solution synchronicities Two Farm Weeks in September Winter WWOOFing Recent Comments TiaonQuest for Fire: A Rocket Mass Heater for the Greenhouse ...
figure in the cost of feed. If I hadn’t felt this little deardie and resurrect under my fingers, if I hadn’t become intimately acquainted withevery muscle and vein of her skinless headas I fought to keep infection and fly infestation at bay, she would have long been Craigslisted by ...
Mid-June house garden tour June 25th, 2013§4 We’ve had a nice, relatively cool spring with lots of rain, and the gardens are happy. Here’s what’s been happening in the beds closest to the house in the last couple of weeks. Those huge Muppet-looking Scotch broom plants to the ri...